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Philip Brownell <[log in to unmask]>
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An ICORS List <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Dec 2019 14:30:03 -0700
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Consider what you are suggesting. Please tell me how this “idiot” is able to stimulate an economy, renegotiate NAFTA, get NATO members to pony up, reduce unemployment, get minorities to really evaluate how well off they’ve been under democratic rule, and finally challenge China (like we should have done decades ago) if he is truly… well, an idiot?  Also, consider that he was elected by majority in the electoral college, which doesn’t mean that just the larger populations on the east and west coast cities voted for him, but that he turned rust belt states and captured a majority of people in the middle. How does the idiot keep winning?

The easy answer is that he is destroying out democracy.  Which is more destructive of a democracy, that someone is duly elected who differs from the political establishment and intelligentsia, or the once duly elected an insurgency arises that uses unethical, illegal, and self-appointed means to block him and remove him from office–yes, a coup.  Peaceful transition of power? That used to be something I thought characterized our democracy and made it stand out.  No more.  Our systems of government are corrupt, and perhaps they’ve been that way for some time.  The rhetoric from both sides is self serving.  

Is it idiotic to wonder if Rick Perry is correct?  It is if you don’t believe what the Bible says about God appointing leaders.  Or if you don’t believe in God. Then, when the light strikes your particular crystal, it sheers off in a dark shade of crimson and you just “see red.”

Your fantasy is pure Machiavellian. So, the FBI attorney who fabricated evidence that was used to deceive the FISA court was justified? The means justify the ends. I have to say, it is both humorous and alarming to watch people who have been crying wolf for three years suddenly twist themselves into pretzels justifying the lies, the mismanagement, the lack of supervision (and THAT is being kind and really reducing things I believe), that is evident in Horowitz’s report.  

Just set all this beside what a bunch if idiots did when they broke into the Watergate and tried to steal information on THAT opposing political party and candidate.  THAT was small in scope compared to this.  THAT was the president trying to smudge the truth, but this involves major established institutions in our society: FBI, CIA, and colluding/enabling news media.

It is really screwed up.  And the back and forth between the two ends of the polarity have usurped our energy and attention ever since the election.  How long do we have to put up with this?  Let’s have the election right now.  The democrats would lose because the country is fed up.  USMCA?  That isn’t something congress created.  That’s something Trump created and has been waiting on these idiots to pass (everyone was in favor of it; they just wanted to obstruct and play political games with it).


> On Dec 11, 2019, at 1:48 PM, john wymore <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> On Dec 11, 2019, at 12:24 PM, Philip Brownell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> The Senate hearings with the IG reporting.  He cannot say there was bias.
>> If someone from Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan walks into a supermarket in London, Pittsburgh, Paris, or Antarctica, yells “Allah ‘akbar,” and then shoots up the place, do we wonder about their motivation? (Only if you are an idiot.) Or do we conclude, with reasonable inference, that radical Islamic jihadist ideology drove them to do it?
> Is it idiotic for me to wander about Rick Perry’s claim that God chose Trump to be president?
>> If a group of people used flawed intelligence, which they knew was flawed, fabricated other things, and misled the FISA court so that they could spy on a campaign of a political opponent, do we wonder about their motivation? (Only if you are an idiot).
> Here’s another idiotic inference or maybe just a fantasy.  A 200 year old democracy manages to chug along more or less preserving itself and building values finally finds itself being governd by a —well, an idiot. They perceive the idiot to be an immediate danger to the democracy itself.  At least a certain member of the Palace Guard (which would include the FBI in this case  and even high level military) consider a coup, unthinkable in this most stable of all democracies. This certainly could inspire agents who are otherwise most punctilious rule followers, to cook the data (to continue the culinary metaphor, reduce the ragout) to get permission to mmmmm, spy.
> Run a cost benefit analysis on that.  One group did and the other apparently didnt. But nevertheless ther are those so appaled by the circumstances such tactics and stategies creep into the mind.  I must confess that happens to me.  But I quickly run the cost benefit and calculate the likelyhood of success that something like our democracy might still exist; and I return to learning to improvise interesting melody lines around altered dominants. Oh ! Maybe that's a hidden message -"melody lines around altered dominants"
> JW 
>> Phil
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Gstalt-L is an independent eCommunity of people interested in gestalt therapy theory and its various applications. Its public archives can be found at, and subscriptions can be managed by clicking on "Subscriber's Corner," which is found at the archives.