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The Munirah Chronicle <[log in to unmask]>
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The MUNIRAH Chronicle of Black Historical Events & Facts <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Feb 2017 11:03:56 -0500
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*		Today in Black History - February 10		*

 "Once a year we go through the charade of February being   
 'Black History Month.' Black History Month needs to be a   
 12-MONTH THING. When we all learn about our history, about 
 how much we've accomplished while being handicapped with   
 RACISM, it can only inspire us to greater heights, knowing 
 we're on the giant shoulders of our ANCESTORS." Subscribe  
 to the Munirah Chronicle and receive Black Facts every day 
 of the year.						    
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1868 - Republican conservatives draft new constitution which 
	concentrates political power in the hands of the governor and 
	limits the impact of the Black vote.  This is made possible by
	Conservatives, aided by military forces, who seize the 
	convention hall and establish control over the reconstruction 
	process in Florida.  

1927 - Mary Leontyne Violet Price is born in Laurel, Mississippi. She
	will be acclaimed as one of the world's greatest operatic 
	talents. She will amass many operatic firsts, one of the 
	first African Americans to become a leading artist at the 
	Metropolitan Opera, being the first African American to sing 
	opera on network television and the first African American to 
	receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.  Among her honors 
	will be the NAACP's Spingarn Medal, three Emmys, and Kennedy 
	Center Honors. After her retirement from the opera stage in 
	1985, she will continue to appear in recitals and orchestral 
	concerts until 1997.

1939 - Roberta Cleopatra Flack is born in Black Mountain (Asheville), 
	North Carolina. She will begin her professional singing career 
	in Washington, DC. She will be the first to win the Grammy Award 
	for Record of the Year two consecutive times. "The First Time 
	Ever I Saw Your Face" won at the 1973 Grammys and "Killing Me 
	Softly with His Song" won at the 1974 Grammys. She will remain 
	the only solo artist to have accomplished this feat, and only U2, 
	who did it in 2001 with "Beautiful Day" and in 2002 with "Walk On", 
	has done it since.

1942 - Mary Lovelace O'Neal is born in Jackson, Mississippi. 	
	at Howard and Columbia universities, she will become a 
	professor of fine arts and head of the Art Department at 
	University of California at Berkeley. Academia will allow her 
	the freedom to become a painter who will exhibit her work 
	in museums in the United States, Morocco, and Chile. 

1943 - Eta Phi Beta, the national business and professional sorority, 
	is incorporated in Detroit, Michigan. It will have chapters 
	throughout the United States and number among its members 
	civil rights activist Daisy Bates and artist Margaret T. 

1945 - The United States, Russia, Great Britain, and France approve a
	peace treaty with Italy, under which Italy renounces all 
	rights and claims to Ethiopia and Eritrea.
1945 - The Chicago Defender reports that over a quarter of a million
	African Americans migrated to California during the years 1942
	and 1943.  As the percentage of African Americans in 
	California increases from 1 1/2% to more than 10% of the
	total population, so does the practice of racial segregation.

1971 - Bill White becomes the first African American major league 
	baseball announcer when he begins announcing for the New 
	York Yankees.

1989 - Ronald H. Brown, who had served as Jesse Jackson's campaign 
	manager, becomes chairman of the Democratic National 
	Committee, the first African American to hold the position 	
	in either party. 

1989 - Tony Robinson, originally from Jamaica, becomes Nottingham's 
	(Britain) first sheriff of African descent.

1990 - South African President, Frederik Willem de Klerk announces 
	that Nelson Mandela will be set free on February 11th after 
	27 years in prison.

1992 - Alex Haley, author of "Roots," and "Autobiography of Malcolm 
	X," joins the ancestors while on a lecture tour in Seattle,
	Washington at the age of 70.

1992 - Mike Tyson is convicted in Indianapolis, Indiana of raping a
	contestant in the Miss Black America competition (Desiree
	Washington) and sentenced to six years in an Indiana prison.

1997 - O.J. Simpson is found liable for the wrongful death of his ex-
	wife Nicole Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman. The civil
	court jury will award a judgement of $33.5 Million against him.

1998 - Dr. David Satcher is confirmed by the U.S. Senate to become 
	Surgeon General.

2013 - Nigeria defeats Burkina Faso 1-0 to win the football 2013 Africa 
	Cup of Nations.

           Munirah Chronicle is edited by Mr. Rene' A. Perry
              "The TRUTH shall make you free"

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