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Sat, 26 Jul 2014 20:01:43 +0000
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

 Thanks to the many fellow foot-swelling sufferers for all your suggestions, summarized below. I give brief versions of each reply since apparently every case is different and you might recognize your own symptoms from among this collection.
Meanwhile I have upped the compression of my compression hose and that helps immensely.

Cheers and thanks.

Nancy in nyc


1.…immunesystem attacking attacking thyroid andsarcoidosis; suggests bloodwork for thyroid levels
2.Forother issues I had to go dairy free; surprisingly my foot and ankle swelling wentaway.
I found out that dairy does cause tissue swelling and can make you retainwater. 
3.WheneverI hear of anything that resembles sluggish lymphatic flow, I 
suspect iodine deficiency.
4.Calciumchannel blocker drugs such as Amlodipine orCardizem or ‎Amlodipine - ‎Diltiazem - ‎Nifedipinewill cause ankles and feet to swell. 
5.Consult a Podiatrist. Use ice on theswelling for no more than 20 minutes at a time with legs elevated in theevenings. Perhaps physical therapy canhelp with the swelling. Don’t massage or rub my feet downward, only upward toget rid of the fluid that builds up during the day.
6.Havekidney function (BUN and Creatnine) tested.
7.Bloodpressure:take magnesium supplementsseem to help reduce similar swelling and leg cramps .
8.Cutyour salt OUT. Read labels to be sure. It's in everything. May be your heart. 
9.Reactions to a bunch ofdifferent blood pressure meds caused my potassium levels to drop & KCldidn't remedy, I found an rodent study on potassium citrate vs KCl  Potassium_citrate_vs_KCl.doc (31KBIt led me to believethat I'm likely not sodium sensitive, but chloride sensitive instead. Chlorideholds sodium, sodium holds water. Salt--NaCl, has both! 
Potassium citrate isavailable at health food store & online. 3 @ day supply about thesame as 1 banana, has been a huge help in keeping water in my cells, ratherthan between them.
I think the problem started when I quit eatingpotatoes, a great source of potassium, after I developed a sensitivity tonitrates from abusing sensitivity toothpaste containing potassium nitrate.Although I still get blisters on the soles of my feel when I eat too manyvegetables, potato starch, or cured meat products, they are no longer debilitating. 

Another scenario is that your diet is low inprotein or Vit D and muscules or connective tissue/skin are strong/elasticenough to maintain external pressure needed to keep water from settling in lowspots. 
10.I had a swollen ankle and such badfoot pain that I couldn't put weight on it by the end of the day. Apodiatrist put me in a walking cast for a month. It helped, but stillexperience twinges. 

11.My ankles swell since I have been GF, maybe because the food I eat now is high in sodium, fat etc, maybe a coincidence

12.Dr. James Braly, author of 'Dangerous Grains', has reported how 76% of the general population, who experience chronic ill-health conditions that have not responded to conventional therapies, are likely suffering from a food intolerance-related condition.
 You might look into the at-home food intolerance screening kits from Better Control of Health (www.bettercontrolofhealth.com).

13.A "vibrating platforms"helps a lot! Also with foot/knee pain in general. I set it so my head doesn'tget shaken up a lot; in general it just makes circulation a lot better.

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