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Sat, 10 May 2014 23:08:11 +0000
Michelle Vychodil <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Michelle Vychodil <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for all the information. My daughter is doing much better! Here is a summary of the replies...   Michelle

Give your daughter her own shelf- that she can reach & see- in the pantry & fridge.  Keep only safe foods there.  She can learn to 'see' packages & learn to read labels. We have different shelves for GF, nut free, sesame free etc, depending on the person.  Kids will learn if given a chance to participate & choose.  Send safe substitutes with her.   Ask restaurants to substitute corn chips/tortillas for fries.  I believe the UTIs will get better when her diarrhea clears.  Fast thorough clean up will help.
I had constant UTIs until I began taking probiotics daily. Now I don't have them at all. I take Jarro-Dophilus EPS, but there are many brands.
Two things helped me:
1. No dairy. I am not sure of what goes on, but dairy aggravates everything.
2. Xylitol. Xylitol amazingly cures a number of infections, including my own sinus ones. Worth a shot. Esp. since it tastes VERY GOOD.
I would get another opinion from another Pediatrician.  I am not a dr but I would think that when the problem is solved she would not get infections.  She is only 8 but somehow you have to get her to understand that when she has diarrhea she has to get into a shower immediately.  Also, drinking water afterwards would help.
Have you tried a fiber supplement besides avoiding gluten and potato.  I use Metamucil Free and Clear.     I think it would help with the extremes of bowel issues.
She is very young.  I had an ulcer at her age and was put on a diet.  I cheated when I was out of the house.   I think at this age you have to send safe food with her everywhere.  Easier said than done, I know.  Hope as she grows she will be more careful with her diet.
You might check into oxalates as an issue causing this:
My adult daughter had reoccurring UTIs.  She finally consulted a second doctor who told her that the most likely explanation was that bacteria causing infection was never getting completely eliminated by the antibiotics she had taken previously.  Thus, she would get better by taking the medicine, but the remaining bacteria would begin to grow after the course of antibiotic concluded, and she would get another infection.  He put her on a stronger antibiotic for a longer course, and she has not had another UTI since then.  He also told her that she should drink more water during the day all the time and also drink cranberry juice to prevent UTIs.
I, too am sensitive to nightshade vegetables:
Bell peppers (a.k.a. sweet peppers)
*  Eggplant
*  Goji berries (a.k.a. wolfberry)
*  Hot peppers (such as chili peppers, jalapenos, habaneros, chili-based spices, red pepper, cayenne)
*  Paprika
*  Pimentos
*  Potatoes (but not sweet potatoes)
*  Tomatillos
*  Tomatoes

I thought it was only potatoes but found that the others also triggered my symptoms. They are real hard to avoid but I found that after avoiding them for 6 months I can have small amounts once a week.  What I have read is that nightshades increase the damage to the intestines just like wheat. As for eating in public I usually save the potatoes for only special occasions in public because a baked potato maybe the only safe thing to eat in public or with friends. As for the UTIs use D Mannose powder it 'cures' and 'prevents' them.  you can read testimonials on amazon.com<http://amazon.com>:  It is what I use also it is easier on my intestines than antibiotics.
I have a friend who had the chronic UTI problem and it turned out the problem was solved when a doctor asked her if she was wiping from front to back or back to front after a BM. She was wiping back to front and re-infecting herself. Problem solved.

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