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Dave Allen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 25 Nov 2015 19:48:35 +1300
text/plain (153 lines)
Hi Scott!

Well, you don't. You ring them and you ask the lady nicely, and they email
it to you. I have the paper in a file here, but they didn't think it an odd
request, so go for it, and it should work for you as well.

For your US license, you need to log into the FCC site, and you can download
it from there. 

By the way, was thinking about your calls last night and maybe your purpose
in being down here was to get a decent call. Your ZL sounds great, and I
thought of some amusing phonetics that fit local conditions, hi hi.


-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Scott Gillen ZL1CHM
Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2015 7:28 p.m.
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: info about registering with Remote hams

Hay Dave ware do you find your licence on the MED/RFS sight?

Auckland New Zealand

Sent from my iPhone

On 25/11/2015, at 5:48 PM, Dave Allen <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi Tom!
> Yes, the agency here has a similar system, so downloaded my licenses 
>from  their sources.=20
> Before they had that in place, I had to scan the paper and make the 
>PDF th=
> I had on record, but things change with time, and sometimes, it isn't 
>all  bad.
> 73,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators 
>[mailto:[log in to unmask]]=

> On Behalf Of Tom Fowle
> Sent: Wednesday, 25 November 2015 5:15 p.m.
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: info about registering with Remote hams
> You can get the official pdf of your license from the FCC site 

> As a matter of fact now when you renew that's all you get unless you  
>specifically request an official printed copy.  They want us to save 
>the FC=
> a few cents and print our own.
> tom Fowle WA6IVG
> On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 09:47:37PM -0600, Scott Van Gorp wrote:
>> Hi Dave:
>> Well, I tried what you suggested, and still know luck with the pdf=20  
>>here using internet explorer 11 or firefox. Guess I'll have to have=20  
>>someone take a picture of the license after I print it out and 

>> it to a .jpg file to get this to cooperate.  Any other ideas welcome.
> Thanks.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: For blind ham radio operators=20  
>>[mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>> On Behalf Of Dave Allen
>> Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 9:42 PM
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: info about registering with Remote hams
>> Hi all!
>> Since I have a US license and a ZL license, I decided to register 
>>a=20  separate account with Remote hams for storing the ZL license.
>> The only caveat I encountered in this process was that the system 

>> allows you to register one email address per callsign. That was not 
>> an=20=

>> issue because I registered another valid address that I monitor for 
>> the Z=
> call.
>> After receiving the expected email verifying my registration, I 
>>used=20  the activation link in the Email.
>> Next, it was time to upload my ZL license to get that into my 
>>ZL4LDY=20  profile.
>> This was ccomplished using the option in the RC Forb client.
>> Choose browse, locate and select the PDF file, and press the send 

>> button.
>> This resulted in a page that said my license was successfully uploaded.
>> I don't recall seeing that confirmation when I uploaded my US 

>> but there have been Jaws updates since that time, as well as RC 
>>Forb=20  updates, so I can't be certain which update allowed for the 
>>more=20  satisfying experience, but regardless of what it was, I was 
>>more=20  pleased with the process on this occasion.
>> I know a few folks have encountered difficulty with this, so 
>>thought=20  I'd report the experience here to give encouragement.
>> I can't be certain whether or not the browser matters, but it may=20  
>>since the site does warn that it uses cookies to simplify the login=20  
>>process. In case that does matter, the browser I'm using is 
>>Internet=20  Explorer version 11.0.9600.8098.
>> If you're one of those that found this a trial, it may be possible 
>>to=20  get through it more easily now compared to a few months ago.
>> 73,
>> Dave      =20
>> David Allen, Director
>> Blind-Sight Limited
>> For computer training and support world-wide, equipment or braille=20  
>>production please contact me through any of the following ways:
>> Email: [log in to unmask]
>> Telephone: 64-3-455-7694 (Home)
>> 64-27-224-5489 (Mobile)
>> PO Box 9046
>> St Clair
>> Dunedin 9047