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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Nov 2015 20:02:36 -0500
text/plain (182 lines)

I did a cleaning of all parts of the DC power cord assembly last night, but
my output voltage and power are still somewhat reduced.

Will try to do an even more thorough cleaning, probably this week-end, and
will also see if I can adjust the RS35 supply voltage upward at least a
little bit.

Will keep you and everyone posted.

Tom Behler: Kb8TYJ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Don Breda
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2015 7:19 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Interesting TMV71A Issue

Hi Tom.

The problem is this.

Your tm-v71 a power cable.

I have the same exact problem from time to time.

On the cable are two fuse holders.

Take each one apart, remove the fues from both sides of the cable so the
fuse is free in your hand.

Now Clean both ends of the fuse.

Clean all the metal area on the fuse very very well.

Now do the same for both ends of the fuse holder itself.

Now put it back together and repeat the procedure on the other fuse and

You will be good to go for quite a while after that.


On 01-Nov-15 7:03 PM, Tom Behler wrote:
> Steve:
> Just as a way to do another test, I fired up my TS590, my MFJ 998 
> auto-tuner, and my ALS600 on 75 meters, and keyed up in CW mode.  All 
> of this equipment is connected to my Astron RS35, via a rigrunner.  
> And, when I did the test, I also had my TMV71A on, as I typically do 
> when operating here in the shack.
> Everything worked flawlessly.
> MY SWR was at 1.3 to one.  My output power according to my LDG TW1 
> watt meter was 495 watts, and my reflected power was 8 watts.
> I would think if the issue was the power supply, things would have 
> tripped off when I did this test.
> So, now, I guess it's onto thoroughly checking out my TMV71A DC power 
> connections and fuses.
> Tom Behler: KB8TYJ
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Steve Dresser
> Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2015 6:46 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Interesting TMV71A Issue
> Tom,
> This might be a power supply issue.  Check to be sure your power 
> supply is delivering enough voltage.  It may need to be adjusted, or 
> there may be a problem with the voltage regulator.  I'd check 
> connections and fuses first, and then see if the supply voltage remains
constant and at the right value.
> Try resetting the radio if you want, but I doubt it will make any 
> difference.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: November 01, 2015 18:17
> Subject: Interesting TMV71A Issue
>> Hi, everyone.
>> Well, last night, I got rid of the gremlin that was causing issues 
>> with my ability to play selected audio files using Winamp, but now, 
>> another gremlin has appeared in my shack.
>> This time, I'm experiencing a very strange problem with my Kenwood
>> The problem occurs mainly when trying to transmit with high power on 
>> 440, but it happens occasionally when trying to do so on 2 meters as
>> Basically, when I transmit with high power, especially on 440, the 
>> rig shuts off for a split second, but then comes back on.  It's 
>> almost as if the rig is not happy transmitting on high power for some 
>> reason, again, especially on 440.
>> I discovered this issue late this afternoon, as I was doing my usual 
>> monthly tests of equipment, antennas, etc., at least as best as I can 
>> from here in the shack at the home QTH.
>> In trying to diagnose the problem, I have done the following things 
>> so
>> far:
>> 1.  My first thought was that something has gone wrong with my 
>> outdoor Diamond X200 VHF/UHF antenna, which is fed with RG9913 coax 
>> and is on the roof of my house at a height of approximately 35 feet.  
>> I took SWR, as well as forward and reflected power readings using my 
>> TW2.  Both on 2 meters and 440, adjusting the meter for each gand as 
>> I went.  my SWR's on each gand are between 1.2 to 1 and 1.3 to 1.  On 
>> medium power, my forward power on each band is between 9 and 10 
>> watts, and my reflected power is either at 0 watts on 2 meters, or 
>> point 2 watts on 440.
>> 2.  I then tried switching jumpers between my TW2, and the Diamond 
>> X200 connection on my MFJ window feed through panel.  Again, no change.
>> Admittedly, I haven't swapped all jumpers out, but at least the 
>> initial jumper swap didn't change the results.
>> 3.  I then did a V F O re-set on the TMV71A, with again, no change in 
>> my results.  I'm a bit reluctant to do the full re-set, but may do so 
>> as a last resort, since I have the TMV71A programming cable, and also 
>> have all memories and menu settings saved in a data file for the rig.
>> One other thing I might try is to see if this happens with the TMV71A 
>> that I typically use when camping out at the RV.  It is here in my 
>> shack in a box for the winter.
>> Before I go too crazy with all this, though, I'd like to know whether 
>> anyone else has experienced this issue, and if there are other ideas 
>> out there that I might want to try.
>> Thanks as always for the help.
>> Tom Behler: KB8TYJ