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John Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 20 Jun 2015 16:09:33 -0400
text/plain (61 lines)
I'm mainly available after the kids go to bed at night and I think both 
bands are either wall to wall people, or completely dead then. We can try 
something though sometime if you like. I think Wednesday nights are the only 
night I have constant MARS nets and what not. Any other night I'm free. I've 
never tried that repeater but am sure I can hit it with the beam.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthew Chao" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Selecting a tone in a Kenwood THF6a

> Hi, John.  I live in Newton Highlands; my YL used to have a house in
> Fairhaven, but she sold it, and we've consolidated everything to one
> household instead of two.  Am usually on the 2-meter repeater in
> Newton, 147.360, and do HF whenever I have the whim, usually 40 and
> 80 meters.  10 and 15 seem to have been pretty dead for the past few
> months, so I don't go there too often.
> Perhaps we can link up on HF one of these days.  Any ideas of what
> freqs might be good?--Matt, N1IBB.
> At 09:17 AM 6/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>Matt, where if anywhere do you get on the air locally? I'm not far from 
>>but haven't run in to you though I seldom get on VHF.
>>John N1UMJ
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Matthew Chao" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>Sent: Friday, June 19, 2015 9:08 AM
>>Subject: Re: Selecting a tone in a Kenwood THF6a
>> > Oh, so that's what it is <grin>.--Matt, N1IBB.
>> >
>> > At 07:45 AM 6/19/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>> >>Ah, a brain teaser first thing in the morning.  My Ouija board is in 
>> >>the
>> >>shop getting varnished
>> >>
>> >>73, Steve KW3A.
>> >>
>> >>On 6/18/2015 11:15 PM, Frank Ventura wrote:
>> >> >
>> >>
>> SGkgYWxsIEkgYW0gZXhwZXJpZW1lbnRpbmcgd2l0aCBhIEtlbndvb2QgaGFuZGhlbGQgdGh0IEkg
>> >> >
>> >>
>> Z290IGZvciBhIGdvb2QgcHJpY2Ugb24gRUJheS4gSSBoYXZlIGZpZ3VyZWQgb3V0IHRoYXQgZnVu
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >>
>> YnV0IGNhbiBzb21lb25lIHBvaW50IG1lIGluIHRoZSBkaXJlY3Rpb24gb2YgYSB0b25lIGNoYXJ0
>> >> > IGZvciB0aGlzIHJhZGlvPw0KVGhhbmtzDQpGcmFuaw0K
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >