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"Dr. Ronald E. Milliman" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 25 Nov 2015 22:22:52 -0600
text/plain (117 lines)
Tom, I have an Astron RS35 supply just like yours, and it went out on me,
much like yours did. I took it over to a friend of mine who is quite an
excellent electronics technician, and he found the problem immediately and
repaired it. In my case, it was a regulator transistor. It was a very
common, readily available part, and so, he had no problem fixing it. Those
supplies are fairly easy to work on. However, they are not worth investing
very much money repairing them. You can purchase a new MFJ or JetStream for
relatively little money.

Ron, K8HSY

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Pat Byrne
Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2015 9:56 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Power Supply Update

Do all of the pass transistors feel the same amount of warm?  Perhaps one
has failed.  Is there anyone of your acquaintance who would be competent to
help you troubleshoot?  I know that can be a challenge.  is it feasible to
replace all components except the transformer?  And I remember recently
reading on this list that overall voltage regulation is better with a
switching supply than a linear.  No answers, just a few thoughts.
Eat too much for dinner tomorrow before deciding this weighty issue!
Pat, K9JAUAt 08:47 PM 11/25/2015, you wrote:
>Hello, everyone.
>For those who might be interested, I have an update to share regarding 
>my Astron power supply woes here at the home QTH.
>It turns out that I think I was correct in suspecting that something is 
>failing in my Astron RS35 supply.
>I connected my TS590 to my older Kenwood PS53 supply, and my output 
>power is now a solid 100 watts according to the TS590's internal swr/watt
>This is on the same 40-meter resonant frequency where I tested the RS35 
>the other day, and got 75 watts out according to the TS590 meter.  My 
>TW1 reading with the PS53 supply was 90 watts out, compared to 58 watts 
>out with the RS35.
>I then connected my TMV71A to the PS53 power supply, and with a 1.2 to 
>1 SWR reading, got an output power reading of 44 watts on 2 meters, and 
>36 watts on 440, according to my TW2.
>In my view, this indicates that my problem with reduced output power 
>likely has been  related to the RS35.
>So, at least in the short term, I'm going to need to re-configure 
>things in my shack here.
>I'm going to run the TS590 setup using the PS53, and my TMV71A, using a 
>Tentec 963 30-amp switching supply that I picked up at a local swap 
>last summer.
>My next decision will be what to do with the RS35.  I'm going to see if 
>I can get one of the guys in our local club to help me troubleshoot the 
>situation, but I'm not sure how successful that will be.
>I'm actually seriously thinking about purchasing a completely new power 
>supply, since I prefer to use a rig runner for connecting everything in 
>my shack to a single power supply.
>And this brings me to a question:
>Does anyone have recommendations for a good replacement supply?  I am 
>ok with a linear supply, since it just sits on a shelf of my operating 
>desk here at the home QTH.  To be safe, I would like something with at 
>least the capacity of the RS35,, or maybe even somewhat greater if it 
>is reasonably affordable.
>I'd consider another RS35, but with some of the quality control reports 
>I have received recently, I'm now not so sure that's the best route for 
>me to go.
>Any thoughts/recommendations?
>Tom Behler: KB8TYJ