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john schwery <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Aug 2017 14:05:41 -0400
text/plain (85 lines)
Vicki, thanks.  God is good, all of the time.

At 10:25 AM 8/12/2017, you wrote:
>What a wonderful testimony and provision of God. So glad for the 
>good replacements but more glad for the safety of you both.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: john schwery  <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Saturday, August 12, 2017 5:42 am
>Subject: Fwd: Update: Lightning Storm of 8/7
> >
> >
> > We had a lightning strike last Monday night and here is Anna's report.
> >
> >
> > From: Hand In Hand <[log in to unmask]>
> >
> > First of all, thank you all for praying!  God heard, and 
> answered, and He did make the path straight and easy!
> >
> > Our router/modem got fried, along with some telephone wiring 
> outside, and this was all replaced at no cost to us by 
> Centurylink.  Both receivers were fried and some wiring outside was 
> fried, and DIRECTV replaced these at not cost, due to a protection 
> plan we have in place.  The technician had to fiddle faddle around 
> a bit, and was here for almost two hours to get us back up and running.
> >
> > John's APC uninterruptible power supply got fried, so I sent a 
> note to the manufacturer asking if there was a replacement 
> available to us, since the lightning took the unit out and, 
> therefore, it couldn't protect the modem and our inkjet 
> printer.  The gentleman was "surprised" that I was not filing a 
> claim for replacement of these items, as that is the guarantee that 
> comes with the APC unit.  Enter God.  He's shipping us a new one 
> [upgraded model] along with the paperwork to file a claim (which I 
> reminded him we are not asking for) and said that even if we don't 
> file a claim, we can keep the new unit that is being shipped. God 
> is soooooooooooo GOOD.
> >
> > I opened a claim with our Homeowner's Policy for the replacement 
> printer and two televisions.  They were so gracious, and made it 
> quite simple and painless to file a claim.  I'd never opened a 
> claim with any homeowner policy in my life.  The adjuster phoned 
> yesterday to give us the final figure as they see it, and it's more 
> than enough to pay off the credit card that paid for these three 
> items!!!!!!!  He figured the amount as "replacement value" and 
> didn't deduct any depreciation for the time we had them, stating 
> that it was such a small claim that he was giving us the full 
> replacement amount ........ even including the sales tax for the items!
> >
> > Needless to say, I stand with a humbled heart before our 
> Sovereign God.  As I thought of this all this morning, I was 
> thanking God once again for protecting our home and persons from 
> any damage.  When we look at the damage that "could have" been, 
> it's very humbling.  He protected our home from a direct hit; two 
> HUGE trees in our back yard were not touched; our water well was 
> not damaged, etc.  It was all better than "hitting the Lotto"! LOL!
> >
> > The Parable, or the lesson I saw from the recent lightning strike:
> >
> > If your lifestyle, actions, etc., or the "friendships" you 
> maintain are not aligned with what God has instructed us in His 
> Word, you may be standing too close to the lightning 
> strike.  Granted, you won't take a direct hit, but you'll be close 
> enough to come under some of the residual effects.  His mercy 
> protects you, but you realize in that instant that it could have 
> been a drastic and traumatic direct hit.  It will cause you to step 
> back and reassess all matters pertaining to this life and beyond.
> >
> > I've got a slight feeling for what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego 
> felt like when they came out of the fire.  No burning flesh and not 
> even the smell of smoke. (Read Daniel 3)
> >
> > Thank you again for praying, and especially for reading this 
> "tome"!  There any many more words I could write while giving God 
> the glory for the outcome of this whole situation.
> >                  John
