I am looking for help.
Frankly, I had thought of blogs and also wickies as so much teen-age
kibitzing. Now, I am picking up clear messages that not only k-12 schools
but a number of colleges and universities are integrating them into courses
in a big way. I was wrong again! It seems I need to both change my mind
and to learn about them.
I am looking for someone who is at a school actively using them to talk to
me about what they are doing and how they work. I also really need any
help in learning the accessibility issues of both wickies and of blogs.
How do they work with screen reader software?
How do they work with screen mag software?
Do they work using keystrokes or do the require a mouse?
How do they work for students with learning disabilities?
I hope there are at least a handful of people who I can talk to and learn from.
If you reply to this discussion list, please also copy me directly as the
list mail frequently gets trapped in one of my folders.
Norm Coombs
[log in to unmask]
Thank you.
- - - - - - - -
EASI Courses New and Revised:
September: Barrier-free Information Technology:
4-part live Web conference series on Accessible Podcasting starting
September 12 http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
CEO EASI http://easi.cc
Phone (949) 855-4852 ** Pacific time!!
Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
Online courses and Clinics http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
Check the EASI Library Web http://www.rit.edu/~easi/lib.htm
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