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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Oct 2016 20:54:47 -0600
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Way cool. And they say God doesn't answer prayer!!! They don't know the God we do.

----- Original Message -----
From: Karen Carter  <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Friday, October 28, 2016 7:23 pm
Subject: Re: God Must Play The Guitar

> I love things like this. Our God is an awesome God. 
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 28, 2016, at 19:46, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > 
> > More than a dozen years ago, a very close friend of mine, who is on this list, came over to see me with her husband.  She said she had something for me.  My office for my prayer ministry had just been refinished and a large wooden desk was clear of computers and chairs which had not ben brought into the office space as of yet.  They laid something heavy on the desk and as soon as I touched it, I knew what it was.  Vicki had given me a new 12 string guitar which I had been asking God for.  It had the nicest sounds I had ever heard for a guitar and for years I played it for personal enjoyment.
> > 
> > Back in late 208 and early 2009, I began losing feeling in my hands and legs; then things got worse.  By the time I had the operation on my neck, with vertebra C4 and C5 being fused with a tiny plate made of titanium, and a crumbling disk rebuilt with  the addition of bone material, I was unable to do much, including taking a shower, for several weeks.  I well remember,  a few weeks went by,  when taking my first shower alone without sitting on a plastic chair and having my young son, Everett, there to keep me from falling.  It felt like heaven.  That warm hot water on all those sore and aching muscles, especially and shoulders and neck, was out of this world. 
> > 
> > Eventually, my hands returned to about 90 percent of normal and I began taking the guitar out on the deck swing to play during the evenings.  As the years passed, my hands seemed to weaken slightly year by year.  I am typing this, for example, but probably not much more than 30 to 35 words per minute.  My top typing speed at the school for the blind, when I was 13 years old, and typing on an old IBM manual typewriter, was 95 and 2 mistakes.  My every-day typing used to run about 70 words per minute.  I never recovered that speed again.  Some times during the day, my hands weaken to the point I cannot tear open a back of chips or open my pocket knife to use one of the blades.  There are times that are better, like right now, and I can type right along just find.  This is also why I use a 175 dollar keyboard that is so wonderful to type on.  Anyhow, here now is a story of how God answered three prayers at one time.
> > 
> > I called and asked my son a year ago, he lives in Charolette North Carolina, and asked him if he still played the guitar.  He said, yes, but that he just had that small less expensive one I had given him when he was a teenager..  I asked him if he would like my 12 string that Vicki and John gave me.  He's had been home a couple of times and played and he loved that 12 string.  Well, one thing and another, it never got shipped to him because it would cost 150 dollars to ship UPS.
> > 
> > This week, I was talking to my younger sister, Ruth, and she and her husband are retired but they have an online business of buy, sell, and trading old records and CDs.  She ships and mails things almost daily and she had a guitar shipping box that fit the guitar and it's luggage type case, perfectly.  She even paid the 100 dollars to ship it right away since Trent was celebrating his 40th birthday.  Yes, I'm getting up there in years..
> > 
> > It was shipped on a Monday and the shipping arrival time was as early as Thursday but as late as the next Monday.  We didn't insure it.  I know.  Not wise but it happened before I knew it so there was nothing I could have done about it.
> > 
> > Thursday of last week, I was walking through my office to the kitchen.  I suddenly felt myself forming the words of prayer in my thoughts saying, "Lord, I don't want any damage to come to that guitar and I want it to come today."  Immediately, another voice, using impressed images to form words, said, "Why don't you ask me for something even harder?"  I said, "Like what, Lord?"  I saw the thoughts, or impressions of my mind on the guitar strings and instantly said, "Ok, Lord.  I'll take you up on that idea.  I want there to be no damage, and delivery today, and I want the strings to keep their tune."  I smiled to myself because for a 12 string, I knew that would be impossible.  You always have to work at keeping a 12 string tuned because just temperature change in a room can detune the instrument within minutes.  So, shipping it through several states, multiple climates, hot and cold, high and low humidity, 30 to over 90 degrees, would indeed be a miracle for a 12 string guitar to keep its tune; it just wasn't going to happen.  It was God's idea, on the other hand, so why not go for it.  I did and I also believed, since it was the voice of the Lord.  Most of you have jumped ahead of me and already guessed the ending but let me suggest you finish reading so you don't miss a miracle of God some day.
> > 
> > Thursday, the day I asked God to deliver the guitar to my son, Trent sent a text message to Sandy and I and thanked us for the guitar.  He was, he said, looking forward to playing it and had always liked it.
> > 
> > I wrote back and said, "Was in damaged or dinged up in any way?"
> > 
> > He wrote back and said, "No, it was in perfect condition.  Something odd, though, he said, was that the guitar kept it's tune and so he did not even have to tune it yet.  I haven't told him what you are reading now but I'll send him a copy.
> > 
> > So back up a little with me.  I was telling this story to my sister and she said, "Philip, this is really strange.  Steven," that's Ruth's husband, "took your guitar out of the case to strum and play it for awhile before I boxed it up and he commented on how beautiful it's tone was.  Ruth said she was doing some other things in their house as he played the guitar and the music filled the house and she said it was a pleasant sound through our home.'  "Then," she said, "Steven said.  This is weird.  This thing is perfectly tuned.  Did your brother tune it up before you picked it up at his house?"  Ruth didn't know  but Steve thought it was strange.  Ruth asked me when I last tuned it and I said, "A year ago last summer."  Now that I think about it, it was probably about the time I decided to give it to my son.
> > 
> > This is just as much a miracle to me as when the Lord told me to pray that Sandy would have no pain when they removed the tumor in one breast, and so it was.
> > 
> > Phil.
> > If it is fear, it isn't God and if it is God, it isn't fear.