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Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Jul 2015 09:42:16 -0400
text/plain (95 lines)

Sure, we can give it a try.    I'll have a little bit of time before I 
need to get ready for evening church service.

Only possible hitch will be T storms.   Mid '90's today and humid, but 
storms aren't expected  till overnight.

73, Steve KW3A

On 7/19/2015 9:30 AM, Jim Shaffer wrote:
> I'd be up for trying an rtty qso, maybe this afternoon?  How about 2100 utc,
> 5:00 pm eastern time on 14.110?  That would be after the 20 meter ssb net.
> --
> Jim, ke5al
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Forst
> Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 8:06 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Somehow All Confused
> Matt,
> Too much junk  in RTTY is usually to much drive to the sound card.  The
>    RTTY contests are over and it will be harder to  find a signal on the
> air to decode.  On to PSK!.
> You're jumping back and forth between RX and TX and don't seem to have a
> handle on either one.
>    When you transmit and hear tones, are they coming from the radio, or
> the pc's speakers?
> If from the radio (tones from radio, but not going into TX)  it's a
> vox/tx drive issue.   If the tones are coming out of the pc's speakers,
> I think  you may not have the right sound card selected and are trying
> to transmit on the pc's  sound card.
> The fact that you saw some call signs yesterday, would lead me to think
> you are at least hooked up correctly, with the mini din plugged into the
> center jack of the 3 behind the little cover.  It's a snug fit.  Are you
> sure it is plugged in   firmly?  On mine, the little notch on the metal
> barrel of the plug is at the 12 o'clock position.
> Don't worry, it's all just a bad dream.
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 7/19/2015 8:44 AM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>> No smoking or zapping sounds yet.  Adjusted the volume, and now, I'm
>> getting garbled characters.  Probably should have left well enough
>> alone, but had to tinker, hi.  Does that mean the volume's now too
>> low?--Matt, N1IBB.
>> At 10:37 PM 7/18/2015 -0400, you wrote:
>>> Hi Matt,
>>> Been playing in the contest.  I did see John responded to  your other
>>> posts.   He said the same thing I had mentioned, that you need to follow
>>> the instructions for what levels to set within Windows for the SL's
>>> sound card
>>> The "overflow" message means too much drive for the  sound card.   So
>>> you should lower the level on the RX drive knob.
>>> On a previous question:
>>>     I don't think there is a hot key to get to the RX window.    This is
>>> where you and your screen reader become fast friends.
>>> Don't worry.  Next week you get to tackle PSK.
>>> If you smell smoke, pull the plug and run.
>>> 73, Steve KW3A
>>> On 7/18/2015 10:24 PM, Matthew Chao wrote:
>>>> Hi, Folks.  Somehow, I messed up my MMTTY settings.  When I run the
>>>> test files, I get overflow, and no text.  Is the mic volume on my SL
>>>> USB too high?  What happened?  Thanks.--Matt, n1ibb.
> ---
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