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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 18 Jan 2015 12:31:56 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)
Hello, everyone.


I just finished installing and configuring the latest n3fjp logging software
program for next week-end's CQ 160 meter contest, and was reminded of a
problem I have experienced with Scott's most recent software updates.


I experienced the problem with version 3.9 of the NAQP contest logging
software when I configured it a few weeks ago, and forgot about it until
working with the 160 meter program this morning.


Basically, the problem is with function key labels.


My usual CW macros for the function keys are transferred correctly to the
new ssoftware, but the function key labels are wrong.  Specifically, I use
f1 through f5 for my various contest exchanges.  In the CW setup in the new
software, Jaws speaks the first function key label as f3, and moves on up
through f7 for my macro labels, whereas the labels should be f1 through f5.


Has anyone seen this problem as well?


I don't want to report it to Scott until I'm sure it is a common problem,
and not a Jaws issue or something with my logging computer.


The issue obviously is not a deal breaker for using the software;  it's just
one of those interesting little quirks that happens every once in a while.


Tom Behler: KB8TYJ