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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Sep 2015 20:23:40 -0600
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 One day last week I was supposed to have lunch with a friend of mine that I haven't seen for quite some time.  Felt led just to spend time with her as a matter of love and encouragement. Problem was that it was to be at her house and I had promised to bring it. Her health is not good. Thought it easier than trying to go out. But one doesn't invite oneself over to a person's home and expect them to make lunch. Anyway, this had been scheduled for quite a while. So I had something in mind to make but this crazy week didn't lend an opportunity for going to the store. Now you could just say, get on the bus Guss,  or get in your car Shar. Neither worked for me due to time crunch etc. Certainly not the car.  Here it was Thursday morning. It was becoming fast too late to cancel my transportation without incurring penalty. Besides that, I didn't want to disappoint my friend. What would I have said. "I have nothing for you for lunch." That wasn't an option. I thought of taking a cab to the store but that didn't seem plausable considering time constraints.  Was it my procrastination that put me in this bind? Not totally. Sometimes blindness throws hinderances in one's way. However, I prefer to see current lack of sight as an opportunity for God's glory.
> So   I looked around and inventoried what I had on hand. I really found nothing that I could put together for an acceptable lunch. So I prayed and asked God to put this together. I thought of ordering out, having it delivered and taking it with me, or going to her house and ordering and buying her lunch. That didn't seem like a very good option either. Then as I was re-inventorying and realizing that I was counting on God to come through with some creativity, a couple of small cans of tuna were staring me in the face. I looked in the fridge to see if I had any cellery at all. What good is tuna salad without cellery! I had no regular cellery but I did have a little bag of veggies that came home with me from a worship gathering  within the last few days. I had onion, but precious little mayonnaise. Did have some bacon, but not enough to make bacon and pancakes. So I quickly chopped up the cellery and onion, and added to the tuna. There were even a couple of tiny carrots to grate and throw in. I hurriedly cooked the bacon. I used all that was left of the mayo. I was going to add a little Greek Yogurt to it but thought better of it and added a tablespoon of buttermilk ranch dressing with halapeno. When the bacon cooled, I degreased as much as possible and dded it to the salad. Then I Put the lid on the bowl and tossed it in the fridge. No greens to serve it on but I did have some buns. I decided to take what I had of those. No potato chips to add. But I did have some fruit. So used orange, apple, and banana. Mom won a fruit basket for answering a trivia question correctly so she shared some fruit with us. Made dressing of that yogurt I would have used with the mayo and  didn't.  So to the yogurt I added honey cinnamon and whisked it together. Then combined it with the fruit and it was just enough dressing. I added a couple sprigs of fresh mint and put the lit on and tossed it in the fridge as well.
> I hate making food and leaving a mess and dirty dishes. So I did those dishes and cleaned  up my mess in three minutes. Now I had exactly 8 minutes to shower, dress, Take my guide dog out for his necessary pit stop and be ready for my ride. I was showered and dressed  in exactly 8 minutes. I ran El out the door for his little potty break. And immediately my ride showed up. I had no ride coupons but I did have a $5. So my ride cost me more than it should have by $.50. Still God was amazingly good. I marvelled at his care. The driver knew where I was going as he had picked my friend up before and taken her to dialysis. 
> We had a great time and there was even a bit left for my friend for tomorrow's lunch or tonight's dinner. I discovered she loves tuna. The fruit salad was a hit too. 
> Talk about the creativity of God, used up all veggies, most of fruit, all mayo, all yogurt, rest of bacon, all tuna,  and last of buns. Consider the kind gifts of veggies and fruit too which just happened to be there for the using.   And yes immerged a reasonably healthy lunch. You could say, all happenstance and good resourcefulness by me. Or even God helps those who help themselves. (not in the Bible by the way) Maybe God has blessed me with some of that resourcefulness.  However, too many things fell in line for that. Don't tell me God isn't interested in every detail of our lives. The credit belongs to God and God alone. How good is our God. He, by the way, loves surprises. And how much, oh so much he cares for us.  Romans 8:32 (NKJV) He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?  
> Getting home was a different challenge but God still provided.
> Vicki