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Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:07:05 -0400
text/plain (109 lines)
Praise the Lord Pat that sounds really encouraging.  Thank you Jesus.

On Thu, Oct 23, 2014 at 7:04 PM, Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Thank you Jesus.
> Phil.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Pat Ferguson
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 4:04 PM
> Subject: An Update on my Battle with Cancer
> Hi Everyone,
> I want to thank each of you so very much for your Support, Love and Prayers.
> You will never know how much this means to us. I am deeply touched.
> This update is as of October 23rd 2014.
> Here is an update on my battle with Recurrent Endometrial AdenoCarcinoma
> Cancer.
> I'm not feeling very well today, but I supose this is to be expected.
> Vernon is so sweet and Loving! I know this is hard on him as well.
> We arrived at the Avera Cancer Center in Sioux Falls, SD on October 22nd,
> some time after 11:30 AM. We were warmly greeted by the receptionest on the
> Gynocology oncology floor.
> I soon learned that this is a very loving and Spirit Filled group of Nurses
> and Doctors.
> I told them all about The Elijah List, just how loving this Christian
> Ministry is, and when I go on Monday, I'll take some print-outs of some of
> the emails I've received from The Elijah List so they can all subscribe.
> I am very impressed with DR Starks.
> He said that if the cancer is local, as the biopsy shows, he can hopefully
> do 4 treatments of local radiation to the area where the cancer is.
> He's hoping that he will not have to do any chemo.
> I can't have the CT Scan, as I am highly allergic to the Contrast Die. This
> treatment will all be determined by the Pet Scan that I will have on Monday,
> if my insurence approves it. If they do not approve a Pet Scan, then I will
> have an MRI.
> This cancer has not been staged yet, and hopefully on Monday afternoon,
> after getting the results, we'll know the stage of this cancer.
> He told us that this particular type of cancer only is recurrent in three
> percent of women.
> He also said that this cancer, if not caught and treated soon enough can
> spread to the liver and lungs.
> He was very glad that I switched to DR Hopper for my Gynocologist.
> He was not impressed with Doctor Goodvagan' and the fact that he did not
> take the left ovary, even though it was only the size of a peanut,  in 2009
> when I had the original Uterine cancer and Histerectomy. He said that ovary
> should have been removed.
> He was also not impressed with the fact that Doctor Goodvagan had me on the
> .5MG of EstroDile. He was very unhappy about those two things.
> I'm believing that I do not have any more cancer than what has been
> detected.
> I thank you all for joining me in prayer for a complete healing. Our God Is
> An Awsome God!
> Please pray for my loving Vernon as well.
> I love you all so very much, and please don't ever forget that. <smile>
> Thanks much.
> Many Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson
> "I can Do all Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me" Philippians 4:13.

Karen Carter 74'

I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out
there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out
there is.

ABC's Of Salvation
Admit you are a sinner. Rom 3:23
Believe in Christ. Acts 16:31
Confess your faith. Rom 10:9-10

If you believe there is not God, than just die. For without a God you
can do this.