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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 14:02:10 -0000
text/plain (84 lines)

I have a busy day and this could be a big discussion and is quite a study
but, basically, yes, Christians can take authority over demons (devils,
unclean spirits).  Jesus gave His disciples authority (See, for example,
Luke 9:1, and sent them out to "cast out" demons.  We are given that same
authority!  Jesus said to His disciples:
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever
thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. (Matthew 16:19 AV)

We also read in the Gospels that Jesus cast out Demons with the finger of
God!  (That always suggests to me how much power Jesus has and how little
demons have!  ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT!)

As Christians we can take authority over demons.  "Casting out" doesn't mean
"shouting out", but simply taking the authority of Jesus!  It should not
normally be difficult, though I agree there still are times where "prayer
and fasting" are necessary and the right course to take.

In fact, on Sunday evening I had such an experience which is not new to me
but proved again the power of God.  I had listened to someone on the phone
for almost an hour and could scarecely get a word in . . ..  The story was
complicated but basically she believed (and I agree) that she had a demon
not "possessing" but "driving her thoughts".  The Spirit of God lived in her
heart but her mind was being driven by Satan's demons.  She recognised that
she had believed Satan's lies and so had opened up a foothold for him to
operate.  She also knew of some ancestral connection with Freemasons and it
may well also have been the case that the spirit(s) had access because of
these ties.

Towards the end of the conversation I got her attention and suggested steps
she needed to take.  (I was not in a position to minister to her in any way
over the telephone because this is not the approved Code of practice under
which I work on this Christian lifeline.)  Of course, I was very happy to
pray with her having explained what I would and would not do, . . . at which
point she started talking quickly about the demon, and she was very
concerned about any manifestation that there may be as I prayed.  I
therefore explained that I have authority in the Name of Jesus to bind
(prevent) that demon so that he could not operate as I prayed.  I therefore
took authority, made it clear that he was not permitted to speak or to do
anything that Jesus did not permit and I was able to pray with her and was
not interrupted , that God would provide the right people to help etc.  .

Yes, there are people who are used to working in these areas and who have
learned, through God's teaching, how to effectively deal with the enemy.  We
all have to start somewhere . . . and the most important thing is to know
where we stand in Christ and to take His authority.  Yes, His blood too is
something that is a symbol of His covering and is often applied by those
ministering in such cases.

Oh, just don't be afraid of them!  God has "all authority", His children
have authority in the name of Jesus and they have to bow!

This isn't by any means a full explanation and is not really well written
either, but I hope it gets things started for you!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephanie Mitchell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 9:59 AM
Subject: demons

> Hi everyone,
> I'd always wondered just if an ordinary Christian like myself can have
> authority over demons etc... I was always told that many people need
> specialized help to deal with fear and demonic forces etc, but I also
> that we as Christians simply should call upon the name of Jesus and claim
> the blood of Jesus and Satan has no more power.
> Any thoughts/bible passages about this?
> Steph