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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:09:31 -0400
text/plain (61 lines)

Could you write me off list at:

[log in to unmask]

I am seriously planning for my upcoming retirement from fulltime University
teaching, and I have a few questions I'd like your thoughts on.

Thanks, and 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Martin G. McCormick
Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 1:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: hard work

	I will be retiring from Oklahoma State University on March 2 of next
year but my last day of work will be December 23 which is the last work day
before the campus closes for Christmas break. I will be retiring after 25
years of feeding and caring for unix computers of various kinds and I retire
with mixed emotions as i will have enough Annual Leave to loaf with full pay
during all of January and February.
	I got this job through contacts while working in a previous job as a
technician with the Audio Visual Center, here so I have been hanging around
Stillwater, OK since May of 1981 and my wife and I have a nice middle-class
house just South of the campus.
	It has been in walking distance of my work by design because it
seems like transportation is a never-ending headache for non-drivers. We
actually now have some mass transit here in this town of 45,000 souls plus
another roughly 30,000 student souls who come and go with the semesters but
none of those busses drive through our neighborhood so one must walk a few
blocks North to catch a bus. Anyway, I have walked to and from work for
almost 30 years now except for when the weather is really bad and my wife
drives me, then but the daily walks are good exercise and I keep my cane
skills sharpened up.
	After I retire, I plan to walk to the campus and back frequently so
I don't rust out.
	I am eternally thankful that I do not get sick very often so I
should have a few good years left to build electronic toys and maybe I can
work on writing scientific or technical articles to sell somewhere. There
are less and less places that will buy free lance articles so I have no
	It's kind of scary but hopefully, I can make this phase of life work
as well as most of the rest of my life has.
	Please don't think I am bragging. I was so absolutely frustrated in
my early twenties when trying to find decent jobs and get started in the
world. Unless one is terribly lucky, it's a pain in the back side for
everybody especially for people who are blind or have some other handicap.
You had better know what you want because if you leave it to others, you
will not get squat. If you know what you really want to do that is
marketable, then friends and teachers, etc, can help you make it work and
you are more likely to end up at least not hating each day.
	Well, enough of this off-topic musing from me.


Martin WB5AGZ