For blind ham radio operators


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Bob Tinney <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Sep 2014 10:42:01 -0400
text/plain (456 lines)
     I must say that this blind-hams list is one of the best informative 
list that I belong to.  I use the delete key a lot, but that's common 
with lists like this.  I don't really want to change anything about this 
list with the exception of trying to figure out the extraneous, 20, 
character problem.

Bob, K8LR, [log in to unmask]

On 9/28/2014 10:27 AM, Robert Ringwald wrote:
> Colin McDonald wrote:
> Hey bob, tune around 75 meters some night and you'll realize this is =
> very
> tame compared to many conversations occuring around the HF ham bands.
> Colin, I=E2=80=99ve been a ham since February of 1957. I=E2=80=99ve seen =
> the standards and morals of ham operators sadly going down and down.=20
> I know what goes on 75 meters at night. Here on the West Coast the freq =
> is 3840. They are also harassing a net on 3908.=20
> I know what goes on, on 14.313.=20
> But the thing is, I don=E2=80=99t have to listen to it. I merely turn =
> the dial.=20
> On this email list, which is supposed to be for blind ham radio =
> operators, I have to either open an email to see what is in it because =
> the subject line is often wrong, or just guess that I might not want to =
> read what is in the text and delete it without reading it.=20
> Either way, it takes time, several times during the day to delete or =
> open, close and then delete messages from the List.=20
> Without going into a long explanation of what I do and how busy I am, I =
> am busy. I operate two businesses plus am involved in a non-profit which =
> takes up a lot of my time. I don=E2=80=99t have time to deal with this =
> childish behavior on this list. As I said before, I asked the List =
> moderator to put a stop to it. If he/she doesn=E2=80=99t and if this =
> crude, rude and completely useless arguing and nastiness continues, =
> I=E2=80=99m out of here.=20
> I know you don=E2=80=99t care if I leave. But it is a shame to run off =
> good hams with years of experience who might be able to contribute in a =
> positive way to an email list that could be very beneficial to a lot of =
> blind hams.=20
> As a new comer to the list I would have expected you to be a little less
> eager to jump on people who have been on list much much longer and know =
> the
> culture we have here.
> When in Rome and all that?  It's the same on the air, you listen and add =
> to
> the conversations that you feel you can be a part of, or you stay out of =
> it
> when it doesn't concern you and go to a different frequency.
> Exactly. On the air I turn my dial. On this list I have to delete =
> message after message of useless garbage. Again, I joined the list to =
> learn and to help others with what little knowledge I have. I =
> didn=E2=80=99t join it to have to read the crap you and a few others =
> have been putting out.=20
> As List manager for another email list with over 600 members, I would =
> never permit those kind of insulting and rude messages. And I =
> don=E2=80=99t have to put up with it here.=20
> Before I joined the list, I heard from a couple other blind hams who =
> dropped off of this list because of just the type of emails that you are =
> posting. It is a real shame to lose good members because of a few who =
> have no manners, who don=E2=80=99t care about anyone but themselves and =
> are a disgrace to real amateur radio operators everywhere. Unfortunately =
> it can take one bad apple to spoil the box.=20
> A little bit of back and forth between responsible adults doesn't =
> suddenly
> turn into immature scrapping unless someone, not involved, decides to =
> stick
> their nose in and try and be a list cop.
> Responsible adults do not act like you are acting. I=E2=80=99ll bet your =
> Mother is proud of you.=20
> Phil is well aware and has chosen, so far, to let it work itself out, =
> which
> it won't do if we have people jumping in and creating a bigger problem =
> by
> complaining about the messages they are reading.
> Well, as a member of this list, regardless if I=E2=80=99ve been a member =
> for 15 years or for one day, I am still a ham radio operator. I am =
> offended by the type of posts you and a couple others have been posting. =
> I think they are disgraceful, rude, crude, childish  and impolite to say =
> the least.  And as I said, if it continues, I am out of here. I have no =
> time for this foolishness, immature behavior and rude posts.=20
> It never fails, a flame war only becomes a flame war when people try and
> butt in without actually having anything useful to add to the =
> conversation
> or thread.
> And you think your stupid posts are useful??? Give me a break. Why =
> don=E2=80=99t you go back to the CB band where you belong? =20
> What I am saying is useful or could be useful to you if you could get it =
> through your thick head that real hams don=E2=80=99t act that way to =
> other hams. I am trying to explain something about good manners and =
> about the fellowship of ham radio to you. Obviously I am pissing in the =
> wind.=20
> If you don't like the content of the messages, hit the delete key.
> As I said before, it takes time to be continually deleting emails day =
> after day. And because the subject line often doesn=E2=80=99t get =
> changed, I never know if I am deleting a helpful message. Thus most of =
> the time I have to open them and then find out it is just more CB type =
> content.=20
> And if you've been running lists for as long as you have and moderating
> them, you know damn well that making a request to the moderator to do
> something about particular list traffic, by sending a message to the =
> general
> list, is not the appropriate method of making your views known.
> If I knew who was the owner/moderator of this list, name, call and =
> email, I certainly would have done that.=20
> As I've said before, and not that long ago, if you find no value in any =
> of
> my messages to this list, feel free to put me into your block senders =
> filter
> and that way, you won't have to be bothered by my immaturity.
> Good idea.=20
> -Bob Ringwald K6YBV
> 73
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Robert Ringwald" <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 10:20 PM
> To: <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>> I am requesting that the List manager or owner tell these guys to =
> knock =3D
>> it off. I=3DE2=3D80=3D99d like to belong to a blind ham operators =
> email list =3D
>> but if this continues, I=3DE2=3D80=3D99m leaving.=3D20
>> =20
>> I happen to be the moderator of a Dixieland Jazz list with over 600 =
> =3D
>> members and we have adults on that List.=3D20
>> =20
>> -Bob Ringwald K6YBV
>> =20
>> =20
>> =20
>> From: Colin McDonald=3D20
>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 6:48 PM
>> To:
> [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>> =20
>> well, when your not trying to get a job, busily waiting for your next =
> =3D
>> SSI=3D20
>> check, and complaining on email lists, I guess you have quite a fair =
> bit =3D
>> of=3D20
>> time to come up with new ways to whine and blubber about not having =
> the=3D20
>> means to get what someone else has.
>> =20
>> 73
>> Colin, V A6BKX
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: "Alan R. Downing" <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 7:28 PM
>> To: <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
>> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>> =20
>>> Colin, I would think it would be awfully boring to sit around all day
>>> looking for something to whine about.
>>> =20
>>> Alan
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> Alan R. Downing
>>> Phoenix, AZ
>>> =20
>>> =20
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: For blind ham radio operators =3D
>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>> On Behalf Of Colin McDonald
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 6:17 PM
>>> To:
> [log in to unmask]
>>> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>>> =20
>>> Apparently not.
>>> Anyone got some cheese around, there is more than enough wine.
>>> Some one should open up a wine store and at least make some =
> money=3D20
>>> here...oh
>>> wait, that would require getting off ones ass to do something =3D
>> hahahaha.
>>> =20
>>> 73
>>> Colin, V A6BKX
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Alan R. Downing" <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
>>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 3:38 PM
>>> To: <
> [log in to unmask]
>> =20
>>> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>>> =20
>>>> Don't you ever get tired of whining?
>>>> =20
>>>> Alan
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>>> Alan R. Downing
>>>> Phoenix, AZ
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: For blind ham radio operators=3D20
>>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>>> On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
>>>> Sent: Saturday, September 27, 2014 1:31 PM
>>>> To:
> [log in to unmask]
>>>> Subject: Re: Accessible transceivers
>>>> =20
>>>> yes if you are rich enough to pay  8 grand for the 990. There are a =
> =3D
>> lot =3D3D
>>>> of usable radios out there of those who are on a shoestring budget, =
> =3D
>> and =3D3D
>>>> there are often good deals on used equipment as well. The 990 I am =
> =3D
>> sure =3D3D
>>>> is an incredible radio, but for us mortals don=3D3D92t think that =
> you =3D
>> have =3D3D
>>>> to morgtage our house and sell your children to get an enjoyable =3D
>> radio.
>>>> Michael Thurman
>>>> =20
> [log in to unmask]
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>>> =20
>>>> On Sep 26, 2014, at 7:48 PM, Alan R. Downing <
> [log in to unmask]
>> wrote:
>>>> =20
>>>>> Butch can probably tell you more about the Kenwood 480, 590, and =
> =3D
>> 990.  =3D3D
>>>> The
>>>>> 990 is supposed to be the best rig ever in terms of speech output =
> =3D
>> =3D3D
>>>> covering
>>>>> everything, including all menus.
>>>>> =3D3D20
>>>>> =3D3D20
>>>>> Alan R. Downing
>>>>> Phoenix, AZ
>>>>> =3D3D20
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: For blind ham radio operators =3D3D
>>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>>>> On Behalf Of Joe Quinn
>>>>> Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 4:01 PM
>>>>> To:
> [log in to unmask]
>>>>> Subject: Accessible transceivers
>>>>> =3D3D20
>>>>> Is there any information on any accessible HF radio's with speech =
> =3D
>> =3D3D
>>>> output?
>>>>> An=3D3D3D
>>>>> d if so, are they all as expensive as the  Kenwood ts2000?  I want =
> =3D
>> to =3D3D
>>>> be
>>>>> abl=3D3D3D
>>>>> e to turn into the seven MHz things and WWB and things of that =3D
>> nature, =3D3D
>>>> but
>>>>> a=3D3D3D
>>>>> ll I have is an ht of the wouxung variety. And that's not going to =
> =3D
>> be =3D3D
>>>> able
>>>>> t=3D3D3D
>>>>> o let me Tune In to Morse code and things. Thanks!
>>>>> Joe Quinn kd0ess=3D3D3D