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Richard B McDonald <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 May 2014 22:12:16 -0700
text/plain (167 lines)
Hi John!

That's good advice!  Yep, I'll bet I'll become annoyed by either rig
squawking too much ; )  I am impressed that you say the TS-2000 is good to
ride it in on.  (In California, when we're surfing, there's always that one
last wave we "ride it in on" [to the shore, that is].)  If it's good enough
for you, then I think I need some compelling reasons why it's not good
enough for me : )

Many thanks!


-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of John Miller
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 12:14 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: Kenwood TS-2000 Versus TS-590

You would have no problem, or no more problem learning the TS-2000 than you
would any other current radio. There is nothing you can't do with it just
because a couple things you have to count ckicks on the dial instead of
listening to it speak every time you touch anything. If you ask me, the
TS-2000 speaks too much, there should be a user and advanced mode because I
find it says too much. It took me 8 years to save for it though and it's the
last new radio I'll ever afford. I'll be very happy if it lasts the rest of
my life.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard B McDonald" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 3:05 PM
Subject: Re: Kenwood TS-2000 Versus TS-590

> Hi Steve!
> This is very helpful advice.  Yes, I am proceeding with upgrading to a 
> General license.  Well, since I really do not know which precise area 
> of the hobby I want to settle into, I kind of want to explore them 
> all.  For that reason, perhaps the TS-2000 might be better?
> On the other hand, I am a little scared about the TS-2000's 
> accessibility inferiority as compared to the TS-590; but either way I 
> go I have a steep learning curve as it's all new to me - as you 
> rightly point out : (  I'm pretty good with computers and technology, 
> though, so I am confident in my skill sets.  Am I incorrect to worry 
> about the accessibility differences between these rigs?
> Yes, I am serious about my antenna plans.  That said, I will be 
> limited more by LA zoning rules than any other reasons.  If I could be 
> permitted, I would turn my property into a full-on aluminum farm ; )  
> Stupid zoning rules!
> What a drag the VGS-1 won't drop into the TS-2000 : )  I wish Kenwood 
> would roll the 590 technology into the 2000!
> I am *SO* perplexed! : )
> 73,
> Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators 
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Steve Forst
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:05 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Kenwood TS-2000 Versus TS-590
> Richard,
> I have both in the shack, and a large number of folks on this list have,
> or have had both of these rigs.    I'm sure you will get a lot of input
> on this, but it all comes down to   what you want to do in the hobby.
> The 2000 came out as you might guess, in 2000, and while some internal 
> changes have been made over the years, it is  not the latest technology.
>    I think the 590 came out in late 2010, for whatever that's worth.
> You can't use the new VGS-1 in the 2000.  Won't fit, won't work.
> The 2000 is very accesible  despite the older voice board, and the 590
> speaks a bit more.   Since this is all new to you, you will have a steep
> learning curve with either one, but lot's of help on this list.
> The TNC in the 2000 is kind of limited, but it is there.   Although I
> think the need for control software is a bit overblown, the free 590
> software  works well with JAWS.     The free software for the 2000 is
> only for menus and memories, but there is other stuff out there that 
> works.  Jim in Texas from this list has been working to get his radio 
> control software  working better for the 2000.
> I know you want to work all bands and get involved in all aspects of the
> hobby, but few if any hams really do that.    You would be happy with
> either radio.
> Again, what do you want to do?    Work local repeaters?  or only Work
> stations across the country or around the world?  I know you mentioned 
> some big antenna projects.  Realistic, or just  caught up in the moment?
>    Big antennas need big supports which means money and labor.  If you 
> are going to stay a Tech, the 2000 may be better.  Unless you upgrade, 
> or learn morse code, you have serious limitations on the HF bands  that
> may not make the 590 practicle now.   Of course, you may be rich, then
> you can buy one of each.
> 73, Steve KW3A
> On 5/19/2014 11:22 AM, Richard B McDonald wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am trying to decide which is a better rig for me between the 
>> Kenwood
>> TS-2000 and the Kenwood TS-590.  This breaks down into two
>> considerations:
>> 1) "accessibility" since I am blind and 2) radio functionality.
>> As far as accessibility, from what I have read the TS-590 seems to be 
>> a
> bit
>> more accessible.  However, this difference seems to be small.  One 
>> thing I read from a accessibility review 
>> <>  of the 
>> TS-2000
> is
>> " The TS-2000 was fitted with the optional VS-3 voice chip. The VS-3 
>> has been superseded by the excellent VGS-1 on newer Kenwood's, but 
>> gave unparalleled access to Kenwood radios when introduced."  Does 
>> this mean
> that
>> the VGS-1 chip can be used in the TS-2000 to get its better performance.
>> Also, both rigs have a computer control software interface option.  
>> How accessible are they with JAWS?  Any comments about the 
>> accessibility differences of these two rigs would be greatly appreciated.
>> As far as radio functionality, the TS-590 seems to be a better HF rig
>> (160
> -
>> 6 meters); but that is all its got.  On the other hand, the TS-2000 
>> has a far more broader range of capabilities: 160 meters - 70 cm; 23 
>> cm option, TNC, and on and on.  From what I have read, the TS-2000 is 
>> a very good HF rig; and the difference between it and the TS-590 here 
>> are not all that great.  So, what are your thoughts about the radio 
>> functionality between these two rigs?
>> Many thanks!
>> 73,
>> Richard