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Ed Malmgren <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 19 May 2014 09:43:55 -0600
text/plain (57 lines)
Richard, I have owned both and it depends what you are using them for.  The 
2000 is a nice radio but if you work d x and parking close to the edges of 
large pileups the 590 wins by far.  both however are very nice rigs with the 
590 much more accessible so it all depends on your operating likes.  Gl on 
your choice.  73

-----Original Message----- 
From: Richard B McDonald
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 9:22 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Kenwood TS-2000 Versus TS-590


I am trying to decide which is a better rig for me between the Kenwood
TS-2000 and the Kenwood TS-590.  This breaks down into two considerations:
1) "accessibility" since I am blind and 2) radio functionality.

As far as accessibility, from what I have read the TS-590 seems to be a bit
more accessible.  However, this difference seems to be small.  One thing I
read from a accessibility review
<>  of the TS-2000 is
" The TS-2000 was fitted with the optional VS-3 voice chip. The VS-3 has
been superseded by the excellent VGS-1 on newer Kenwood's, but gave
unparalleled access to Kenwood radios when introduced."  Does this mean that
the VGS-1 chip can be used in the TS-2000 to get its better performance.
Also, both rigs have a computer control software interface option.  How
accessible are they with JAWS?  Any comments about the accessibility
differences of these two rigs would be greatly appreciated.

As far as radio functionality, the TS-590 seems to be a better HF rig (160 -
6 meters); but that is all its got.  On the other hand, the TS-2000 has a
far more broader range of capabilities: 160 meters - 70 cm; 23 cm option,
TNC, and on and on.  From what I have read, the TS-2000 is a very good HF
rig; and the difference between it and the TS-590 here are not all that
great.  So, what are your thoughts about the radio functionality between
these two rigs?

Many thanks!

