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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 09:41:39 -0700
text/plain (94 lines)

Carol mentioned a few passages and as she suggested, there are many more.  A
Christian friend of mine who is in counseling and mostly works with demon
opressed people told me this story one day.  He said that when the Lord was
first leading him into this ministry in his counseling, he didn't know much
and was sort of feeling his way along as the Lord taught him from the
Scriptures.  One day, he was working with someone and a demon manifested
through this person.  He attempted to take authority over it but the demon
said, through this person's voice, that is for disciples.  You aren't one of
the 12 disciples.  I asked my friend how he replied.  He said he quoted, to
the demon, Mark 16:17-18 to prove he was, in fact, a disciple of Jesus.
Demons operate at different levels of authority or strength.  This is based
upon the level of license they have been given to function in a person's
life.  This can range any where from a low level where they cannot even
speak but can only put their feelings into a person's life, all the way up
to partial physical control.  A Christian cannot, of course, be demon
possessed because their spirit has been recreated and the Holy Spirit of God
dwells within their spirit.  The demonics operate, therefore in the soul
realm, or where the mind will and emotions are.  Based upon the license they
have to function, or based upon the authority of the stronghold they have
created, they can effect the physical make up of a person, too.  This is not
to say that they can force a Christian to do something against their will
but they can create a lot of misery for a person.  What most Christians
don't know is just how much authority they do have over the demonic realm.
It is true that Satan was defeated and exposed at the cross according to
Colossians 2:15 and other passages.  All Christians have the same degree of
authority give to them by Christ over demons.  However, if a Christian does
not know their identity in Christ very well, demons are going to test your
authority.  They love playing games and trying to screw things up.  As I
said, if you don't know your identity and authority in Christ, they can get
the best of you in an argument every time.  Below are some verses along
these lines.  There are many more but this is a start.



          In the name of the Lord  Jesus Christ, I have authority over  all
          the power of  the enemy, to tread  on serpents and  scorpions, to
          cast  out unclean  spirits, to  heal all  manner of  sickness and
          disease, and nothing  shall by any means hurt me because I am His
          disciple.  I have the keys of the kingdom of Heaven  and whatever
          I bind  on earth is bound in Heaven and whatever I loose on earth
          is loosed in Heaven.   No weapon formed against me  shall prosper
          and every  tongue that rises  against me in judgement  I condemn.
          This  is  my  heritage  as  the   servant  of  the  Lord  for  my
          righteousness is  of Jehovah.   I submit myself therefore  to God
          and resist the devil and he flees from me.  Greater is He that is
          in me than he that is in the world.

                             BIBLICAL CONFIRMATION


          Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
          and  over all the  power of the  enemy: and nothing  shall by any
          means hurt you.
          Luke 10:19

          And when  he had  called unto him  his twelve disciples,  he gave
          them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal
          all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.
          Matthew 10:1

          And these  signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall
          they cast  out devils;  they shall speak  with new  tongues; They
          shall take  up serpents; and if  they drink any deadly  thing, it
          shall not  hurt them; they shall lay hands  on the sick, and they
          shall recover.
          Mark 16:17-18

          And I will give unto thee the keys of  the kingdom of heaven: and
          whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and
          whatsoever thou shalt  loose on earth shall be  loosed in heaven.
          Matthew 16:19

          No weapon  that is formed  against thee shall prosper;  and every
          tongue  that  shall  rise against  thee  in  judgment thou  shalt
          condemn.  This is the  heritage of the servants  of the LORD, and
          their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
          Isaiah 54:17

          Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will
          flee from you.
          James 4:7

          Ye are of  God, little children, and have  overcome them: because
          greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
          1 John 4:4

                                End Of Document