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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 20:59:34 -0700
text/plain (79 lines)
Tonight I had someone call me with whom I have been praying for several
weeks.  So far we have over 11 hours of actual prayer time and twice that
much time just talking about the Lord and what He is doing in their life.
Tonight, however, the Lord brought this person to the very focal point I
felt he was headed weeks ago.  It had to do with carrying a burden too heavy
for anybody to carry except the Lord.  I don't know if you are aware of this
or not but the words of our mouth can sometimes entrap us to a course of
action that we are simply not capable of carrying out or doing on our own.
Anyhow, it was a thrilling experience to see the Lord working in a person's
life where they can experience freedom where bondage has gone on for
literally decades.  And to think I just get to sit around and watch the Lord
do His thing with people is beyond the words of joy I feel.  I have felt
such feelings often as an intercessor but never on a one to one bases.  Now
I am full time in a ministry where that is all I do is watch God work and
heal and set people free.  What a blessing and what a God.  At the same time
I mention this, I am very aware of others on this list who are suffering
right now and going through difficult times.  Shoot, forget the difficult
times; what about impossible times.  I haven't forgotten you and what you
are facing but even if I did forget, there is one who does not forget about
His own children.  I know the pain and the suffering and the millions of
unfocused and disjointed thoughts going through your mind right now,
especially at this time of year, not to mention the fear that always comes
with such thoughts, are trying to tell you that they are going to over ride
your sanity.  But let's say that happened.  So?  You think God didn't know
that would happen?  Do you think He has cut you loose and isn't interested
in you any more?  Just the opposite.  He would be even more interested; not
less.  As a Christian, and I realize it is hard to receive this right now
but it is true regardless, as a Christian and one of god's children, no
matter how sad you get, no matter how mad you get, no matter how fearful you
become, no matter how much you lose it, no matter how much you cry, no
matter if you even give up and tell God you can't take Him any more, He will
not forget you and He will not let you down and He does not forget the
deepest desires of your heart.  You may not feel Him right now but that is
due to circumstances beyond your control.  God isn't out of control and He
isn't out of your life.  He is going to use these very circumstances to draw
you closer to Him in ways than you ever dreamed possible.  I know some of
you don't believe in prophets for today; nor did I most of my life.  I am
such a prophet, however, but I rarely speak of it because it draws criticism
like flies and I'm flesh just like everybody else.  Regardless, some of what
you have just read is prophetic and is very very personal.  You either
receive or you don't but you have been told.  I say it again, even if you
think you have failed or think you are going to fail, God has no failures in
His Kingdom and you are His Kingdom.  I'll tell you something the Lord
revealed to me one evening.  We had just moved into this house so it was 20
years ago.  It was on a Sunday evening.  My children and I were in the
backyard and as they played, I walked around my ham radio tower and checked
each of the three guy anchors.  These are huge 4 inch steel poles buried in
concrete where thick steel cables come down from the 65 foot tower to attach
to the anchors.  There are steel turn buckles at the end of each cable to
tighten, or loosen, the cables based upon wind load and how the tower
stands.  Many think the cables are there to keep the tower from blowing over
in the wind but it isn't the wind the blows a tower down.  It is called
torque.  When the wind blows, the tower begins to twist back and forth.  It
is this twisting motion, or torque, that literally causes a tower to
collapse upon itself.  You rarely find a tower, no matter how tall it is,
that falls straight over horizontal to the ground.  Rather, they literally
twist themselves, or cork screw themselves, into the ground.  It still makes
a mighty big mess, however, and you definitely don't want to be any where
around where it is happening when it comes down.  There are some spiritual
applications to what I just wrote but you work on that by yourself.  I was
walking around checking each turn buckle and cable to see it had the right
amount of tension.  I was very discouraged and did not know why.  I should
be happy and feeling great.  I had just put up my first tower alone with
only my 82 year old uncle as my ground crew.  I had accomplished something I
had never done before.  So why was I depressed?  the answer?  I was a
failure.  I clearly remember standing at the end of one guy anchor sticking
up about four feet out of the concrete base and adjusting the turn buckle,
and thinking, I am a failure.  I also clearly remember the Holy Spirit
speaking to me.  He said, You may think you have failed but you aren't a
failure to God.  My attitude changed pretty quickly and so should yours.  If
you are stuck and can't figure out the change that the Lord is trying to
bring to your life, call me and leave your name and number and I'll call you
back.  It is time to get to the bottom of this.  No, you won't find change
over night because the universe was built in six days.  You will find God's
will for your life, however.
