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Butch Bussen <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:39:00 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (136 lines)
Reminds me of when many of us had yaesu 207 hts, first synthesized 
talkies with key board entry.  A real battery hog, but a neat radio for 
its time.  There was a known problem of the second conversion crystal 
from 10.7 to 455kc would go intermitant, particularly in cold.  I called 
one day and got "first we've heard of this"  I called back the second 
time a couple days later and got same "you're the first one to report 
this."  I said, my friend and I both called you 2 days ago and reported 
this problem.   Silence....
Node 3148
Wallace, ks.

On Mon, 29 Sep 2014, Dr. Ronald E. Milliman 

> Okay, I, now, realize that you can only move specific episodes of a given
> podcast to which you are subscribed over to your SD card on the VR Stream.
> The service tec at Humanware told me to go to the podcast and hit the #3 key
> twice; that does not work. However, if you go to a specific episode within
> the podcast and hit the #3 key twice, it does allow you to move that
> specific episode over to the SD card. There is a difference. In addition, it
> saves it on the SD card in a general folder labeled "Saved Podcasts;
> however, they are not organized by podcast. Rather, all of the saved
> episodes from all of the various podcasts are just put in that folder
> together. As a result, my ham radio related saved podcast episodes and my
> saved fishing-related podcast episodes, and my saved science-related podcast
> episodes are all mixed in together in the SD card folder labeled Saved
> Podcasts. I also noticed that any editions of any newspapers you want to
> move to the SD card are saved in the Talking Books folder.
> The bottom line is that I still do not know what caused my VR Stream to
> delete all of the podcasts to which I was subscribed, causing me to have to
> go back and re-subscribe to all of them over again, starting from ground
> zero. Since I don't know what caused the problem, a problem the Humanware
> service tec said doesn't happen, thus, insulting me and my intelligence, I
> have no way of figuring out how to prevent it from ever happening again.
> For what it is worth, I have it from a very reliable source that Humanware
> is aware of the problem even though they told me they had never heard of it
> before and that what I described is impossible. If I didn't know better, I
> would think I was dealing with the federal government in another one of its
> cover-up schemes! <Frown>
> Ron, K8HSY
> -----Original Message-----
> From: doug and sheilla emerson [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 5:10 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts
> Ron and others on the list, the fellow at Human Ware told you correctly. If
> you wish to movea podcast to your s d card, press the 3 key. The first time
> you do, you will hear the stream say, delete podcast. Press it a second time
> and you should hear it say, move podcast to s d card. When you hear that,
> press the pound key which is also called the confirm key. You will hear the
> stream say, press the confirm key to confirm that you want to move the
> podcast. Or press any other key to cancle. Press the confirm key again. In
> just a few seconds or longer, depending on the file size, you should hear it
> say, successfully moved to s d card. You should find that podcast you moved
> on your s d card under saved podcasts. If you follow theese steps and you
> don't find it, something is wrong somewhere! I've moved several podcasts to
> the inserted s d card and it works every time. I hope that this helps you,
> Ron. If not, maybe you'll get a better, nicer rep should you phone them
> again. 73. Doug, N6NFF Sacramento
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dr. Ronald E. Milliman
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 2:50 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts
> As some of you suggested, I contacted Humanware's technical service about
> the problem I encountered with my VR Stream dumping all of my podcast
> subscriptions and saved episodes. I ask for their help to prevent it from
> happening again. I was totally shocked at the fellows response; he said that
> is not possible. Podcasts just don't disappear. I told him the podcasts on
> mine did, and he kept insisting that it was not possible for that to happen.
> So, then, I asked him how to move my podcasts over to my SD card, and the
> instructions he gave me are totally inaccurate. He told me to hit the #3 key
> twice, and that doesn't work. By hitting the #3 key, it only wants to delete
> the podcast episode or the entire podcast feed, depending on where I have my
> VR Stream. So, needless to say, I am extremely disappointed with Humanware's
> technical service. That particular fellow was/is completely incompetent!
> Ron, K8HSY
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Gammon [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 12:47 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: re: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts
> Ron, I haven't had that problem, but I have had the Stream fail to download
> NLS books when I had plenty of internal memory left and also fail when
> downloading podcasts.  I have reported both issues to [log in to unmask]
> I encourage  you to do the same.
> I reported those issues over the weekend so haven't heard back from them
> yet.  73, Jim WA6EKS
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dr.  Ronald E.  Milliman" <[log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date sent: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:16:17 -0500
> Subject: VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts
> This morning my VR Stream mysteriously deleted all of my podcasts.  They
> were all there; then, I shut it off, and when I turned it back on again, all
> of my podcasts were gone.  I had subscribed to and saved numerous ham radio
> related podcasts that I was listening to, and now, everyone of them is gone,
> vanished, disappeared, dumped!
> Have any of you had this happen to you? If so, do you know what caused it
> and how to prevent it from happening again? I suspect it has something to do
> with having them all in my internal memory rather than transferred over to
> the SD card.
> Ron, K8HSY
> Dr.  Ronald E.  Milliman
> Retired Professor of Marketing