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Steve Dresser <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:23:40 -0400
text/plain (225 lines)

Would it be fair to say that the solution to this problem is to just put a lid on it?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Colin McDonald" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 17:59
Subject: Re: The need for list moderation and control

> really?
> You are going to itemize everything people say, break it down line by line 
> and rebut them?  And, ironically, rebut them with your own opinions and 
> strong points of view in very similar fashion to the very messages and 
> posters you are refering to in said rebuttals.
> You missed the boat.  it has been made perfectly clear by the moderator of 
> this group that expression is allowed on list, and we can go off topic as 
> long as things are kept relatively blind related or can be tied back to 
> something ham related which they generally can be...except for one 
> particular poster who insists upon posting messages about other listers 
> behavior ahem.
> Each list is different and repeatedly commenting on how you choose to run 
> your lists is not relevant or helpful.
> In point of fact, this entire thread is highly irrelevant and most unhelpful 
> to anyone, so congradulations for being that guy who complains about 
> something, and yet is doing that very something as he's complaining about 
> it.
> You, sir, have been nominated for the 2014 Lid award.
> See, there, I made it ham radio related.
> 73
> Colin, V A6BKX
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Robert Ringwald" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 3:25 PM
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: The need for list moderation and control
>> Jim Shaffer KE5AL wrote regarding moderating an email list:
>> I've only seen one post on this list that I thought some folks might =
>> think
>> needed moderating, and that doesn't constitute a need for list =
>> moderation in
>> my opinion.  If someone is sending offensive posts, don't read that =
>> person's
>> posts!  It's as simple as that. =20
>> You do not know if the post is offensive unless you read it.=20
>> I don't want my posts to the list delayed
>> until a moderator can look at them, just because some folks can't handle =
>> bad
>> language or flames.
>> The posts do not have to be held up. When someone is using bad language =
>> or harassing someone else, the list moderator can just tell em to knock =
>> it off. Either the guilty party knocks it off, or gets put on moderate =
>> until he/she can conduct him or herself like a responsible adult.=20
>> I moderate an email list with 640 members from all over the world. By =
>> moderate, I do not mean I have to OK every post. I mean, all posts are =
>> automatically posted to the List as they are on this List. If someone =
>> gets out of hand, I tell em to stop. If they don=E2=80=99t, I put them =
>> on moderate until they can act civilized and treat other list members =
>> with respect.=20
>> We are all ham radio operators. We are all in the hobby because we enjoy =
>> the hobby. We are a brotherhood. We don=E2=80=99t need to be publically =
>> insulting and harassing other ham radio operators.=20
>> What you want to do privately is your business. But when it is public, =
>> freedom stops where it impinges on other peoples freedom. This goes for =
>> freedom of expression or any other kind of freedom.=20
>> One thing that's really starting to bug me about this country is that we
>> seem to think that when something goes wrong, we need to pass a law or =
>> turn
>> the problem over to some sort of government intervention.  I guess =
>> that's
>> why I've become a Libertarian.
>> --
>> Jim, KE5AL
>> Being a Libertarian does not mean that you throw all of your manners and =
>> respect for other people=E2=80=99s rights away.=20
>> -Bob Ringwald K6YBV
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Ryan
>> Sent: Monday, September 29, 2014 2:51 PM
>> To:
>> [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: The need for list moderation and control
>> Hi all:=3D20
>> I just read Howard's posting regarding someone to grow up, suck it up =
>> =3D
>> and be thankful you got a radio and antennas and such.=3D20
>> I haven't been really following the thread because, quite frankly, I =3D
>> wasn't interested in the constant postings regarding the iPhone and =3D
>> reader, or accessible transceivers and the like. Simply I really didn't =
>> =3D
>> have anything to add on the subject of the US tower and so on.=3D20
>> I think though its time that the list owner get it together and start =
>> =3D
>> moderating this list or turn it over to an individual or group who can. =
>> =3D
>> We don't need people offending each other on this list and we also don't =
>> =3D
>> need the constant non ham radio related subject which seems to be =3D
>> drowning the radio subject of this list. I posted some help to the Yahoo =
>> =3D
>> FT-102 user group when I 1ST got my rig and an individual in Hungry, =3D
>> who's well known in DX circles bashed the Hell out of me because I was =
>> =3D
>> explaining to another fellow lister my vision loss and the tools I had =
>> =3D
>> at my disposal to use the 102 and what I could see and what I couldn't. =
>> =3D
>> Well this well known DXer more or less proclaimed that I was someone, A =
>> =3D
>> using my blindness as a crutch and B, I was someone who had just walked =
>> =3D
>> into a lawn mowing store looking to buy the shoes off the salesmen's =3D
>> feet because they wouldn't sell me shoes. LOL=3D20
>> That idiot was band from the list pronto. So I think its high time that =
>> =3D
>> someone or someones, start doing the same and get control of this list. =
>> =3D
>> I'm not saying that all non HR related activity be band because =3D
>> technology and situations can be used as guide lines to different =3D
>> aspects in our lives but it does need to be lidded somewhat.=3D20
>> Just my thoughts, hope to catch some of you on the air this =
>> weekend.=3D20
>> 73:=3D20
>> Mike VO1AX=3D20 