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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:30:21 -0600
text/plain (134 lines)

That is a funny story about the two hams.  Well, the church parking lot is 
just as funny now that I think about it.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dr. Ronald E. Milliman" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: Ham Radio Ethics In Decline

> Phil, Et Al:
> Just a quick humorous observation about the people we've seen leaving one 
> of
> the larger churches in Arlington, Texas once when we were there visiting
> friends. As the people rushed out of the church to get in their cars and
> leave the church, they turned the church's parking lot into a demolition
> derby! It was actually very funny to see all of those presumably religious
> church attendees get into their cars and try to beat each other to the
> parking lot's exit. They were cussing at each other, giving each other the
> finger, and a couple cars even bumped into each other. It was such a
> demonstration of hypocrisy and irony. My wife and I laughed and laughed at
> the  thought of those people all singing the praises of God in one moment
> and turning into the devil's disciples the next!
> Now, I don't want anyone to read anything into this other than the humor 
> of
> the scene. I am not condemning all people who attend church. I am simply
> sharing a real scenario that I think is incredibly funny, and before 
> anyone
> calls my attention to it, I realize it has nothing directly to do with ham
> radio, except for this...
> I knew two hams who used to be ugly as ugly can be with each other over 
> the
> air. One of them was KB8IWM, Ed. I don't remember the other's call or 
> name.
> They would intentionally QRM each other and call each other names. 
> However,
> they had never met in person before until they met at a hamfest. At the
> initial time they met at the hamfest, they didn't realize who each other
> was. Ed, KB8IWM, had a table and was selling some of his ham gear. The 
> other
> one stepped up and asked how much one of the rigs was, and they got to
> talking and being really friendly. They were talking about different ham
> gear, and finally, the one guy made Ed an offer for some of the stuff he 
> was
> selling, and they agreed on a price and the deal was made. Then, after the
> one fellow walked away from the table, Ed said: "Now, there is one hell of 
> a
> nice guy. I wish all of the hams were that decent." I was sitting at the
> table next to Ed when another ham who knew both of them and knew how ugly
> they were to each other on the air, spoke up and said to Ed: "Do you know
> who that was?" When Ed found out, he was shocked, and all he could say is
> "Well, I'll be damned. I would have never guest that. He's not such an ass
> hole after all!" We laughed and laughed over that. I don't know what all
> evidently happened after that because they stopped being so ugly toward 
> each
> other on the air. Ed died a few years ago, but whenever I would see him
> after that incident, I would always ask him: "Have you met any new ass 
> holes
> lately?" Then, we would both laugh.
> Ron, K8HSY
>  to Ed and
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Phil Scovell
> Sent: Friday, June 13, 2014 12:02 AM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: Ham Radio Ethics In Decline
> Richard, Ron, Butch and others,
> It is always fun to see a knew ham either on the air or on this list.
> Richard, I hope the hobby turns out to be as fun for you as it has for 
> most
> of the rest of us all these decades.
> Ron and Butch,
> You guys hit the nail right on the head.  It is indeed a societal 
> problems.
> Ron, Butch knows this for the most part, but I was in the ministry for 40
> years, both traveling as a guest speaker in churchs around the country, 
> and
> then later I pastored in two different churches.  I met Butch on 75 meters
> when I was an assistant pastor in western Colorado back in 78 or 79.
> Anyhow, what you guys both said about society degrading sure is true and I
> hate to say it, but it is even true in many, if not most, churches.  They
> have become mega businesses.  I've been attending a new church with my
> family for a year now and don't have one person I can call a friend.  To
> this day, people still are afraid of blind folks it would seem.  I've
> preached hundreds of times in probably a hundred different churches and
> being a guest speaker, everyone want to talk to me after church.  As a 
> youth
> pastor in one church, an assistant pastor in a couple of different 
> churchs,
> and then the head pastor in a couple of churchs, people always treated me 
> as
> a normal person.  Become just a walk in member and if you are lucky, if 1
> out of a hundred other members will either shake your hand or say hello.
> I've been a Bible teacher, youth pastor, as I already mentioned, counselor
> and therapist, and started out when I was 20 years old as a social worker
> and I get right down bumbed out thinking about the American life as a kid
> born and raise in Des Moines, Iowa compared to now.  In those days, I 
> never
> locked my bike at school and the first time I did, the teacher found out 
> and
> made me remove the lock.  So I put it on my locker and got in trouble for
> that.  I was told it was against the rules to lock your locker.  Try that
> now and see what happens; leaving something unlocked I mean.  My dad had a
> tool shed with hundreds of dollars worth of tools, even for those days in
> the fifties, and we never once locked it and never had anything taken.
> Hells Bells, I lock up everything now.  So, it most certainly isn't an
> exclusive ham problem I guess but it makes me sad to think the hobby has
> come down to this level we see today.  I'm even more disturbed about our
> country.  Shoot, let me live with the red necks any day; at least they 
> know
> how to live, haha.  Butch, I am writing a followup message you will find
> interesting so look for it tomorrow or the next day.
> Phil.
> K0NX