For blind ham radio operators


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"Jim Kutsch, KY2D" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 23 Mar 2014 15:57:44 -0400
text/plain (83 lines)
There's lots of info on the web but for a very basic answer, the basic
format for a radiogram in the NTS (National Traffic System) is below. The
parts in square brackets are the part you fill in. I'll define them after
the message and also show you one filled in.

Number [message number] [precedence]
From [originating station]
Check [group count]
[originating city/state]
[origination date]
To [addressee]
[address, city, state, phone number]
[message body]

The bracketed terms mean:
[message number]: a serial number for this message as defined by the
originating station.
[precedence]: the importance, either "routine" or "priority" or "emergency".
[originating station]: call sign of the amateur station initiating the
radiogram. Note, not necessarily the same as the person who signs the
message as a radiogram can be sent on behalf of someone else, even a
[group count]: the  number of text groups (essentially words) in the message
body (between the two times the word "break" was shown above).
[originating city/state]: city and state where the message was initiated the
[origination date]: the date the message was created
[addressee]: the person to whom the message is addressed. If a ham, include
callsign and name.
[address, city, state, phone number]: The full address and phone number of
the message recipient. This can be abbreviated if the message is being sent
on a local traffic net and the recipient is known. Anything going a fairly
long distance should have full address and phone.
[message body]: The text of the message itself. Use the letter X standing
alone  as a period and count that as one of the words in the group count for
the check.
[signature]: The name and optionally callsign of the person signing the

So, here's one completely filled out.
Number 123 Routine
Check 12
Morristown, NJ
23 March, 2014

To Curtis Delzer K6VFO
San Bernardino, CA. 


This is a sample NTS
radiogram X Please ask any
questions 73

Jim, KY2D

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Curtis Delzer
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2014 11:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: simple message format?

Hi!  Would someone just give to me a simple formal message layout?
I mean in order such as:
origination, destination, etc?

Curtis Delzer.
K 6 V F O
San Bernardino, CA.

[log in to unmask]

skype: curtis1014