Discussiones in Interlingua


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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Apr 2014 23:04:48 +0200
Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
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Ivan Iotti <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (110 lines)

I'm the last arrived here but.... I suggest everyone to keep calm :-)
Interlingua is a small community, I guess we can keep our attention focused
on the topic and face problems with scientific approach and without
personal attacks.



2014-04-02 21:44 GMT+02:00 Ruud Harmsen <[log in to unmask]>:

> 19:26 2-4-2014, interlingua lusitana:
>> 6FDyNw
> > que non es benefic a illes qui comencia a studiar interlingua.
> And you think your repeated and continuing personal attacks ARE
> beneficial to those starting to learn the language? Do you expect
> someone like Ivan Lotti to get totally enthusiastic about
> Interlingua, seeing the mess some of the plus or minus 200 users
> in the WHOLE WORLD are making of their mutual relationships?
> > Si nos lassa nostre 'linguocentrismo' e nos pone in le loco de
> un francese, per exemplo, il es un poco confundente saper quando
> on debe orthographar cata un del duo formas in casos como
> 'analyser' o 'anatomiser' o, alora si nos pensa como un espaniol,
> in casos como 'analizar' e/o 'anatomizar'.
> <<
> THEY CAN USE a DICTIONARY just like anybody else must if they are
> learning Interlingua. Piet Cleij created a very good one with a
> large number of words:
> This difference -ise or -ize is totally immaterial, it's just one
> letter that doesn't even change the sound (would Mariza sing
> worse if her name was Marisa?), so there's no need to make such a
> fuss about it and post bitter personal attacks every week.
> Tu non sape como relativisar, Carlos?
> > le 'scientifismo'/obstination te obnubila le mente
> And you are maybe just jealous that Stan did more studies than
> you? So you decided to kick your way up through vile attacks? It
> doesn't work, you are not making a good impression, to put it mildly.
> > Que es plus simple a comprender e a 'assimilar' per un persona
> qui comencia a studiar interlingua? 'AnalySar' > 'analiSator
> ('analysta'); 'baptiSar' > 'baptiSator' o 'economiZar' >
> economiSator; 'surpriSa > 'surpriSar' (mulaikismo).
> <<
> The simple truth is: it doesn't make any difference. If a novice
> learner can't remember what to use, they can consult a good
> dictionary and follow that. The whole discussion is futile, so
> stop making such a fuss about it!
> > In vostre opinion, car lectores, esque vos trova que le
> epitheto 'charlatanesc' es inappropriate
> <<
> Didn't I tell you that before? Your style is VERY inappropriate,
> yes. Your behaviour is a disgrace for Interlingua in the Iberic
> peninsula, and a disgrace for the Interlingua movement as a
> whole. You make me think of cutting off any ties with anybody
> else involved in Interlingua and just deal with the language
> itself, no longer with any person, so also not attending any
> conferences where I might meet rude people like you.
> > Si isto non es charlatanismo,
> What's you age, by the way? 13? You behave like it. Maybe you
> should present some more personal information about yourself, so
> we can understand what made you so bitter and rude.
> Or is it that you have difficulty expressing yourself clearly in
> a foreign language like Interlingua? Are you like this in
> Portuguese too?
> > Stan, como io es hic tentante apprender,
> I thought that progressive form was one of the Mulaikisms that
> you so vehemently objected to? So why are you now using it yourself?
> --
> Ruud Harmsen,
> --
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