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The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Mar 2014 22:01:47 -0600
text/plain (78 lines)
Inn spite of all the negative things a lot of folks are saying about Obama 
care, there are some positive things that have happened, such as for people 
with pre-existing health conditions, who used to have a difficult time 
finding insurers. Under this plan they can not be turned down for insurance. 
Also, my daughter tells me that Obama's plan has already cut down on the 
number of emergency room visits where people came in for treatment who 
didn't really need emergency treatment, simply because they didn't have 
insurance. She says that now when they get emergencies they are really 
emergencies and not just people coming in because they have a bad cold. 
Also, my son had no idea his medical insurance didn't provide him full 
medical coverage,  until he got a letter from them saying that because of 
the new health requirements they were going to have to raise his rates 
because they were now required to offer full coverage. I told him that yes, 
he might not like the idea of his rates going up, but wasn't that worth it 
to have complete coverage? My GP doctor just recently told me that now with 
the new plan I am entitled to have top notch kidney care. I hope they can 
get all the kinks worked out of the new health care law, because there are 
definitely things about it that can be good, if they can get it all 
straightened out right.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doris and Chris" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 5:19 PM
Subject: Re: Obama Care and Planned Parenthood

> Sheesh. we in general think that obama is doing a good think by 
> introducing much needed social health care in the US but this is terrible. 
> Mind you, from our view, an abortion would be justified if the mothers 
> life was immediately in danger but not for social indication.
> it is society and not peoples lives that need change for that to happen.
> Doris and Chris in Germany
> At 04:54 AM 2014/03/03 -0500, you wrote:
>>I take personal offence with the planned parenthood  organization.
>>Because of its stand regarding contraception and abortion.  Which, in my 
>>opinion is nothing more than infanticide.  Is it any wonder why those 
>>clinics are in the poorest parts of all towns, and that the neighborhoods 
>>in which they are located are black neighborhoods?  Just the other week I 
>>heard a study was done, and that more dear black children were murdered 
>>through abortions than were born?  We  must pray for the souls of all 
>>these poor children, and for the enlightenment of their poor benighted 
>>mothers.  That they might see, before it is too late, the harm they are 
>>doing to their own immortal souls by having this done to them, and 
>>allowing this horror to exist.  Without doing anything to stop it at all.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: <mailto:[log in to unmask]>Phil Scovell
>>To: <mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
>>Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 7:03 PM
>>Subject: Obama Care and Planned Parenthood
>>This week, someone knocked on our front door.  Nobody hardly ever does 
>>that except for UPS and the mail man and even then, the knock is only to 
>>let us know they are leaving a box on our front porch steps.  Otherwise, 
>>everybody comes to what we call our side door which is the front of my 
>>office on the side of the house.  This time it was someone from Planned 
>>Parenthood and when asked what they wanted, they said they were just 
>>checking to see if we, everyone living in this house in other words, were 
>>signed up with Obama Care.  They said they were just going house to house 
>>checking to see if people were signed up.  Your tax dollars at work for 
>>the biggest abortion mill in North America.  55 million abortions and 
>>Living His Name
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