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Doris and Chris <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 3 Mar 2014 21:46:19 -0500
text/plain (131 lines)
I sincerely pray we will be safe from ww iii.

appreciating and caring about all of you!

Doris and chrisAt 09:22 PM 2014/03/03 -0500, you wrote:
>You do bring up a fine point about the advantage of being allowed to 
>invest our earnings ourselves.  Rather than having it all put in to 
>social security.  To be stolen from.  So future generations will 
>have nothing of what they put in to support us older people.  Is it 
>any wonder we are resented by many young people.  This president 
>will lead us in to world war III I suspect.  Due to his extreme 
>hubris and incompetence.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 8:09 PM
>Subject: Re: Obama Care and Planned Parenthood
>>According to a majority of various poles taken, more than 50 
>>percent of voting Americans don't want national health care because 
>>we already have it for those who are disabled or there is Medicare 
>>for those 65 years and older which is national.  Plus, we have the 
>>VA, or Veterans administration, and that covers our entire military 
>>personnel but it, too, is limited and poorly managed and poorly 
>>maintained as far as health is concerned.  Obama care hasn't even 
>>gotten off the ground and it's already so far behind, people who 
>>once were covered with their own insurance companies are going to 
>>be dying because they can't even get health through the government 
>>that will supply their needs.  and it never will completely do to 
>>the charges.  It isn't free, as most believe, because you literally 
>>pay for it yourself and if you cannot pay the whole thing, money is 
>>taken from others to fulfill the obligation.  Anyone in the United 
>>States, including illegal aliens, often politically called 
>>undocumented immigrants, can walk into any hospital emergency room 
>>any time of the day or night and will be cared for even if they 
>>have no insurance of any kind and regardless of what is wrong with 
>>them.  Of course, nothing is free and somebody has to pay for 
>>it.  Sandy and I, for example, paid taxes and for Medicare we now 
>>will be on as retired senior citizens, plus disability insurance, 
>>me for 35 years, and Sandy for over 40 years, so that's a lot of 
>>taxes to have paid for health coverage in our later years we are in 
>>right now.  I'm more concerned about our president not keeping his 
>>big mouth shut concerning the Russians at the moment.  He is going 
>>to paint our country right into a corner we won't be able to get 
>>out of and with our reduction of our military services to below pre 
>>world war 2, the U S is going to have a big problem defending 
>>itself.  At least Germany has excellent doctors, well trained, and 
>>our military overseas still uses Germany, as you probably already 
>>know, to fly soldiers who have been badly wounded to for the best 
>>care available before they can be sent back to the states for 
>>recovery.  but the UK, and many other nationalist health systems 
>>are not as fortunate.  I am, for example, quite concerned about 
>>Carol who used to be on here because she isn't getting the medical 
>>care she could get here or in Germany, for example.  British 
>>employed citizens currently pay at least 60 percent of all their 
>>income for nationalist services which is mostly health care.  The 
>>figures for the upper income Americans pay about that now, too.  70 
>>percent of all our taxes are paid by people considered to me upper 
>>middle class and upper class starts at 250,000 dollars a year. 
>>Sandy and I paid about 25 percent of our income for taxes but it 
>>has changed so much over the years due to inflation, that is, 
>>living expenses, that we will barely make ends meet living on our 
>>social security we paid into, as I said, for the last 35 and 40 
>>years so that's a total of 75 years of taxes we paid together.  If 
>>we could have invested even half of that, we'd be considered well 
>>to do, or upper middle class, during these later years of 
>>life.  What we will be living on now will be considered in the 
>>upper poor category of income levels.  In short, we will have lost 
>>two thirds of our income we made working a job.  We can still work 
>>but your income is limited but physically, of course, you have to 
>>be able to work and I don't fall into that category.  That's why 
>>Sandy wants to find a home employment job when she is fully 
>>recovered from this most recent of surgeries on her hip.
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Doris and Chris" <[log in to unmask]>
>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>Sent: Monday, March 03, 2014 4:19 PM
>>Subject: Re: Obama Care and Planned Parenthood
>>>Sheesh. we in general think that obama is doing a good think by 
>>>introducing much needed social health care in the US but this is 
>>>terrible. Mind you, from our view, an abortion would be justified 
>>>if the mothers life was immediately in danger but not for social indication.
>>>it is society and not peoples lives that need change for that to happen.
>>>Doris and Chris in Germany
>>>At 04:54 AM 2014/03/03 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>I take personal offence with the planned parenthood  organization.
>>>>Because of its stand regarding contraception and 
>>>>abortion.  Which, in my opinion is nothing more than 
>>>>infanticide.  Is it any wonder why those clinics are in the 
>>>>poorest parts of all towns, and that the neighborhoods in which 
>>>>they are located are black neighborhoods?  Just the other week I 
>>>>heard a study was done, and that more dear black children were 
>>>>murdered through abortions than were born?  We  must pray for the 
>>>>souls of all these poor children, and for the enlightenment of 
>>>>their poor benighted mothers.  That they might see, before it is 
>>>>too late, the harm they are doing to their own immortal souls by 
>>>>having this done to them, and allowing this horror to 
>>>>exist.  Without doing anything to stop it at all.
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: <mailto:[log in to unmask]>Phil Scovell
>>>>To: <mailto:[log in to unmask]>[log in to unmask]
>>>>Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2014 7:03 PM
>>>>Subject: Obama Care and Planned Parenthood
>>>>This week, someone knocked on our front door.  Nobody hardly ever 
>>>>does that except for UPS and the mail man and even then, the 
>>>>knock is only to let us know they are leaving a box on our front 
>>>>porch steps.  Otherwise, everybody comes to what we call our side 
>>>>door which is the front of my office on the side of the 
>>>>house.  This time it was someone from Planned Parenthood and when 
>>>>asked what they wanted, they said they were just checking to see 
>>>>if we, everyone living in this house in other words, were signed 
>>>>up with Obama Care.  They said they were just going house to 
>>>>house checking to see if people were signed up.  Your tax dollars 
>>>>at work for the biggest abortion mill in North America.  55 
>>>>million abortions and counting.
>>>>Living His Name