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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Apr 2013 20:08:42 -0400
text/plain (122 lines)
Well, Steve, thanks for taking the time to check out the new N3FJP software. 
I especially appreciate your doing this, since I know you don't typically 
use it for your contest logging.  At least I know now that my problems were 
not just me, and that I'm not alone.

The disadvantage I was working against in terms of getting the updated 
software to work was simply one of time. ... I knew that Friday night, and 
maybe a very small part of Saturday would be the only times I had to play in 
the contest, so it just turned out easier to install the older software and 
have at it.

Your tips here are good ones, and I'll try them on the next n3fjp contest 
software update.  I don't know if the Michigan QSO Party will be updated to 
fit the new framework, but if it is, I'll have more time to work with 
it prior to the contest.

And, yes, it was good to work you in the contest.  I made slightly under 100 
contacts in a little over 4 hours of operating. ... However, I sure did have 
a blast on 40 and then 80 meters late Friday evening, and I became convinced 
that my Cobra worked rather well on 80 meters.  As I said, the DX contacts I 
made were some of the first DX contacts I had ever worked on 80 meters, and 
I felt pretty good about them, knowing that I was using only 100 watts and 
was still able to break through the inevitable pilups.

As for the Michigan QSO Party, I'm going to make an all-out effort at it 
this year, now that I can do 40 and 80 meters, so please look for me in that 

Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Forst" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, March 31, 2013 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: Quick note on N3FJP logging software upgrades

> Tom,
> I see you follow the old contester's motto of  "It's always best to
> install new software the day of the contest".
> You know I don't use this software, but just for the heck of it, I
> downloaded it and took a peek.
> I'm using JAWS 14, and as you said, the setup screens seem a bit
> jumbled.   I found that first letter navagation can help.  For example,
> in the radio list, hitting "K" will jump to "Kenwood", but the cursor
> winds up somewhere else, so   you will have to tab a dozen or so times
> to get back to the radio list to confirm this. I also saw that  hitting
> "9" in the baud list will select "9.6", but again you have to tab
> through the whole thing to get back to the baud list to confirm this.
>  There may be an easier way, but this  seemed to work.
> Hope this is of some help and that I'm not barking up the wrong tree.
> BTW,nice to work you in the WPX.  I finished with 785 QSO's.  Not wworld
> class, but a lot of fun.
> 73, Steve  KW3A
> On 3/30/2013 11:09 PM, Tom Behler wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> Just a quick note here while the grandkids are in bed and before old 
>> grandpa
>> here hits the sack:
>> Last night, before the CQ WPX contest, I ttried installing the latest
>> version of the N3FJP logging software for that contest.  It is version 
>> 3.0,
>> and is supposed to be compatible with windows XP, but also Windows 7 and 
>> 8.
>> What I found was rather interesting and disturbing.
>> When attempting to install and configure the software, the field labels
>> spoken by Jaws, and those that actually appear on the screen did not
>> correspond.
>> In fact, oftentimes, I found myself getting lost in the fields without
>> really knowing where I was and what to do.
>> I had my sighted XYL help me get through the first set-up screen, but 
>> when
>> it came to activating rig interface and voice navigation, I continued to
>> have problems.
>> The updated software is supposedly in the new Windows framework, 
>> which
>> is supposed to be compatible with Windows 7 and 8.
>> As you may recall, my current logging computer is a Dell Lattitude  600, 
>> and
>> my operating system is Windows XP.  I'm using Jaws 13 with this setup.
>> I tried explaining this problem to Scott (N3FJP), but understandably, he
>> doesn't have much of a clue as to what I'm talking about, or how to 
>> remedy
>> it.
>> As a result of this problem, I went back and installed the older version 
>> of
>> the CQ WPX software (version 2.8), and everything went without a hitch.
>> My biggest concern, of course, is that as time goes on, the older 
>> versions
>> of the software will become less and less useful, with contest logging
>> changes, etc., so I thought I would bring this to the attention of the
>> group.
>> If anyone wants to try to download and install version 3.0 to try things 
>> for
>> yourself and help figure out where the problems lie, that would be
>> appreciated by more than just me, I'm sure.
>> Thanks, and 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ