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Thu, 18 Feb 2016 23:05:27 -0500
Marshall Lasky <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Marshall Lasky <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (57 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On 2/7 & 2/13  I posted inquiries seeking info on Indonesia  -- tips on Indonesian foods and dishes that are reliably GF, and suggestions on restaurants to try in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Balikpapan, Tanah Grogot, Ubud, and Jimbaran. 

 I asked if anyone has a really good, simple GF restaurant card for Indonesia.
 -- [ I noted that the "celiac travel.com" Restaurant Cards seem to be one single generic English card that they translate into different languages w/o regard to local foods or cuisines, and are too complicated for typical food servers in third world countries.]

Here are the replies (5 to date):

 -- From Ashley:
"It is important to know that the steamed chicken there has been infused with soy sauce. I realized that too late. This is true with most of SE Asia. I thought I was in the clear so long as I didn't eat the roasted chicken. No such luck. Chicken rice is a big dish there but you're best bet is to order something else. Also, almost everyone spoke English so I was able to clearly let my needs be known."
-- From Beth:
"Try posting in the forums on Tripadvisor.com
The Tripadvisor forum has TONS of really well travelled readers who can be super helpful.

Go to www.tripadvisor.com.  Click on the sub category "Travel Forums" and then go to the Asia Forums
and see the kinds of questions people are asking.
Sign up and get a user name and then you can post your own  questions to get feedback."

-- From Alison:
"You should contact Triumph Dining for a restaurant card in Basha [Bahasa] Indonesia...they might have one in their collection."
       [My comment: Triumph has laminated cards in 10 languages, and they do tailor them each specific cuisine.  BUT - they do NOT have one for Indonesian language.]

-- From Debbie:
"Have you tried the Passport GF books?"
         [ My comment:  she means the the Kim Koeller books and e-books and apps.  When I did google search, it appeared that Kim Koeller has no "Passport GF books / apps'  for Indonesia. ] 

In a 2nd communication, Debbie suggests:

"Reach out to Kim and see if she can point you in the right direction. …. Also, google GF organizations in Indonesia. Contact their tourist board too. Call the consulate. Are there any Indonesian restaurants in your area? If so meet the chef and find out about the food and learn some important words. If not in your area call chefs wherever the restaurants exist in the US, and do your research as best you can."
--  From Molly
        Indonesia GF Restaurant Card that a friend wrote.  She didn't have an English translation for it.

Subject: diet requirement in BAHASA INDONESIA


Karena alasan kesehatan:

saya tidak bisa memakan, makanan yang mengandung tepung-tepungan,
kanji atau semacamnya.  Saya juga tidak mau kecap manis atau asin di
dalam makanan, karena kecap manis atau asin mengandung tepung terigu
atau gandum di dalamnya.

Terima Kasih

Thanks to all who have replied. I welcome additional responses.

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