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Lou Kolb <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Apr 2013 08:39:01 -0400
text/plain (160 lines)

Quite an impressive list.  Perhaps the easiest way to get a keyboard keyer 
is to look for a used k1el keyer like the K20, K40 or K42.  These were and 
still are sold as kits and you can plug both paddles and ps2 keyboards into 
them and use them interchangeably.  Check out  BtW, the K42 is the 
one with the robust keying relay which will key about anything you plug it 
in to.  That's what I use and I get many comments about the consistent 
Lou Kolb
Voice-over Artist:
Radio/TV Ads, Video narrations
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curtis Delzer" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 3:16 AM
Subject: Re: Old Gear

> well, old gear, indeed:
> first I had a Heath dx35 and Collins 75A1,
> and then got the matching transmitter for the 75A1, a 32V2, where my
> Elmer put a xtal modification into it, and made sure I was running 75 
> watts,
> got a DX60 with HG10, and then wanted SSB, so got a Heath Marauder,
> which controlled that old receiver just fine with a dowKey antenna
> relay with cables which muted the receiver. Had a "Kwick patch" for
> phone traffic, an SB200 Heath linear for power, a TH6DX beam for all
> of those overseas patches, and I was off.
> a couple years later I got my Drake 4 line, T4X, R4A, Ms4/ac4and was
> still using the kwick patch, and sb200.
> that was my first station / equipment which I had until about 1972 or
> so when I sold it all because was not living at my folks place any
> more in Lodi, CA.
> I got back into it in the early eighties, was given to use a HW16 QRP
> CW transceiver, and gradually traded up to Ten Tec OMNI D, had a
> Kenwood 520S, (with the 12V supply on it, a Yaesu FT101ZD, and played
> with a NCL2000 amp as well as the Clipperton L, which is one sweet
> powerful amplifier, and will work 160 meters which most don't.
> then, I got a Ts440S, also had a TR7800, TR7950 TM2570A TM3530a for
> VHF.  In the early days I had a Heath TWOER, or they called it a
> lunch box in those days, played with a Globe 6 meter rig I think they
> called it a "gooney bird," along with different two meter antennas.
> I had a TS711 for a while, a Yaesu ft221R also multi band two meter
> rig, but never got enough of a good pre amp to work much DX on two.
> Between 1990 or so and 2011 when my friend decided he was going to
> put me back on the air, I had nothing as far as a station, though I
> still have my keyer, the AEA MM3, and Brown Brothers paddle, which
> reminds me of all the keyers and bugs I've had over the years. The TO
> keyer comes to mind, an Info-Tech keyboard which I loved, the Heath
> Morse keyboard which finally just stopped working as did the
> InfoTech, so am truly wanting to find another keyboard somewhere
> because I love perfect code, and to send it.
> I still have my SP101P Yaesu phone patch / speaker, and use it for my
> TS590 and it sounds fantastic through it.
> How's that for "old gear?"
> all that gear except recently heard me use my old call, W B 6 H E F.
> Curtis Delzer.
> HS.
> K 6 V F O
> San Bernardino, CA.
> [log in to unmask]
> skype: curtis1014
> Curtis Delzer.
> HS.
> K 6 V F O
> San Bernardino, CA.
> [log in to unmask]
> skype: curtis1014
> At 09:19 AM 04/26/13, you wrote:
>>I second that about the Drake gear.  I bought a TR4C as my first
>>rig when I was a novice and tried to keep the power turned down.
>>I later bought an external VFO for it.  It was a used rig and
>>served me well for the next 7 or 8 years.  I even ran it mobile
>>from my mothers VW connecting the DC power supply directly to the
>>battery under the rear seat.  Just this week, in that same
>>spirit, I just bought a used Ts2000 and hope it will serve me
>>well for many years.  Jim WA6EKS
>>  ----- Original Message -----
>>From: Curtis Delzer <[log in to unmask]
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Date sent: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 07:41:13 -0700
>>Subject: Re: Old Gear
>>I started with a DX35 and Collins 75A4, but my favorite vintage
>>is the Drake 4 line I had in the mid to late sixties throughout
>>the seventies.
>>My favorite modern rig is my current ts590! Maybe you and I can
>>it again Barb on CW.
>>Curtis Delzer.
>>K 6 V F O
>>San Bernardino, CA.
>>[log in to unmask]
>>skype: curtis1014
>>At 03:53 AM 04/26/13, you wrote:
>>Our rig was the dx100 and it served us well for years.
>>Barb K1EIR
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: For blind ham radio operators
>>[mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>On Behalf Of Phil Scovell
>>Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 12:45 AM
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Old Gear
>>Hearing that BC-348 mentioned brought back my novice days because
>>that =
>>was my only receiver.  The transmitter was a DX20 and I had a 100
>>foot =
>>long wire with no tuner.  One day I took my DX20 to a friend's
>>house who =
>>owned a very expensive watt meter.  It was putting out 9.5 watts
>>so he =
>>had a new, never been used, 6l6, I think it was, and we plugged
>>that new =
>>tube in and the meter still read, 9.5 watts output.  I worked 29
>>states =
>>on 80 and 40 with that rig before I put up inverted vees for 80
>>and 40 =
>>and got the Viking ranger one.  Had 41 states on those two bands
>>in 6 =
>>months before I passed the general.  I never had so much fun in
>>my life =
>>back then.