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Zach Shifflett <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 26 Jun 2013 21:25:45 -0400
text/plain (102 lines)
Hey all,
This disgussion has been great.  I'm glad my newbie questions inspired
such an informative pow wow.
I guess I might hold off on buying a receiver for now, as it sounds
like there's not much to hear.  I guess I'll just have to wait till I
get an hf transceiver, then I can receive the short wave stuff, along
with my over the air cw practice with that.
I'm surprised that bbc doesn't still have a sw station operating, as I
thought they did.
73s to all,
Zach, kk4ruz

On 6/26/13, Ron Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Wow, great post, Danny.
> My Grundig doesn't have a record feature at all. I bet it's a G3 and I'm
> just having a Duh moment. It is about a third the size of the ATS909, which
> I also own and like a lot. The ATS909 is only so-so with the telescopic
> whip
> on hf, not great at all, but has a very good fm broadcast receiver. The G3
> has pretty good receive using the telescopic whip on hf, a pretty good
> broadcast fm receiver and a pretty good aviation vhf receiver which lacks a
> squelch circuit. It runs on four aa batteries.
> My apologies for misstating the model of the Grundig I own.
> Ron Miller
> -----Original Message-----
> From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
> On Behalf Of Dan B Dyer Jr,/Danny
> Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 8:36 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Dannys June 27 comments on the small portable SSB capable
> shortwave
> radio thread.
> Hi All, some further observations on the portable SSB-CW capable = portable
> radio discussion; Tot necessarily given in order of importance:
> 1, I have _No Experience with any of the C Crane equipment.
> 2, I have no experience with the Kaito KA1103 receiver.
> 3, I am not familiar with the Grundig G4, although a quick google search =
> showed a unit with an MP3 Recorder-player that sold for $200 or so.
> 4,Grundig's older Yacht Boy/YB400 or YB400PE, radios, are about the size =
> of the Sony 7600 G and GR radios, have forty volatile memories, are easy =
> to operate, but in my experience tended to be battery hogs/they take six =
> AA batteries, rather than the Four AA for the Sonys, and 3 AAs for the =
> Kaito KA1102, the yb400s go from around seventy to a hundred dollars =
> used.
> 5, I have no experience with any other of the Grundig/Eton SSB capable =
> radios.
> 6, There are several other receivers worth considering, Sangean =
> ats909/Radioshack DX398, Sangean ATS505,/Radioshack DX402, both of these =
> run off four AA cells, are similarly sized to the yb400 and sonys, and =
> can
> sell for 90-150$s for the 909, and 70-100 for the 505.
> 7, Panasonic made some older units, two of which were similarly sized to =
> the above mentioned Grundig, Sony, and Sangean units, they used 4AA =
> cells,
> and had ten or so memories, but their model numbers escape me.
> 8, the Sony ICFSW100 is a wonderful shirt pocket SSB cabable radio =
> running
> off two AA cells, but which sells for 2-300$s used.
> 9, Sony also haves some earlier 7600s,/those have only ten volatile =
> memories, run off four AA cells, and there's even a 7600 of some stripe =
> that's not SSB capable, and is only a analog radio with several short =
> wave
> listening bands, rather than continuous coverage.
> 10, I tried to send the review of the Kaito KA1102 to the list, but it =
> was
> goo long, so if some of you want that review, write me off list at,
>>d d y e r 1 AT g m a i l dot com, using the subject line of your first
> name+1102, and I'll get it to you.
> 11, But back to the earlier discussion/comparison of the sony 7600G and =
> GR, with the Kaito KA1102.
> if memories aren't really important to you, if you can get along without =
> selectable sidebands and cynchronus detection, both nice and helpful, = but
> not necessary tools for copying SSB and CW,if smallness of size is = more
> important than fullness of sound,/(the Kaito has probably a 2.5 = inch
> speaker, where as the Sonys have probably a four inch speaker,)
> If you'd prefer a new, rather than used radio, can spend between $60 and =
> $70$s, from Amazon, The Kaito, KA1102, that's Kaito, K A 1 1 0 2, not what
> an earlier post = of mine said----/I thought I'd proof read better than
> that, is probably = a good choice/I'm not_____ financially connected with
> the Kaitos in any = way, but find the little things, and they will fit
> nicely in a suit coat = pocket, and even in some shirt pockets, and once
> you
> get the hang of = them, they're pretty surprising.
> *I'm sending this much longer than I'd intended, epistle, to the list as =
> a
> separate post, and I want to thank everyone who has contributed, =
> questioned, commented, etc. throughout this thread.  HTH, Danny Dyer, =
> Wb4idu