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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
"Mike Duke, K5XU" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Apr 2013 16:42:07 -0500
"Mike Duke, K5XU" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (92 lines)
This exchange from the Discussion of AM list is just too funny to keep 
to myself.

The discussion began when someone asked what was the best cleaner for 
noisy controls.

It took the following turn when someone asked how to get the remaining 
cleaner out of a can which will no longer spray.

The short answer is: "Very carefully, and here is how not to do it."

Oh the things we can learn thanks to Ham Radio.

----- Original Message ----- 

Sent: Monday, April 22, 2013 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: [AMRadio] A funny spray can salvage story

On 2013-04-22, at 1:39 PM, CL in NC wrote:

> Many years ago at NAS JAX, Fla, the spray paint cans that were 
> purchased under contract came in all manner of product cans.  Since, 
> in addition to paint,we also had wonderful degreasers like Naptha 
> and MEK, just laying around for our enjoyment, we would strip the 
> paint off the outside of the cans to reveal cans initially destined 
> for hair spray, and  bug killer companies, which made their way to 
> some unknown paint manufacturer to be filled, have their 
> silkscreened can logos covered up with paint, labeled and sold to 
> the governement.  One rather frugal or perhaps deranged fellow, 
> loved to cut the cans open after the gas was gone, and retrieve the 
> mixing ball.  There was always paint left in the cans, and he would 
> pour it into a plastic bottle with a screw lid. One day at his 
> bench, he decided he wanted to use his collection of paint to touch 
> up the cabinet of the radar he was working on.  He picked up the 
> bottle and gave it a good shake.  Needless
> to say, he, and all of us within laughing distance, learned that the 
> propellent used in spray paint, apparently stays suspended in the 
> paint somehow.  You would have thought he set off a paint grenade in 
> his hand.  Screw top blew off, the paint flew out all over the bench 
> and even up to the 15 ft high ceiling.  What a mess, comedic show, 
> and fuel for harassment for years afterward.

Here's one that's true, too, & happened back some 36 years ago when I 
was still living at home with my mother & father...

My Mom & I were in the living room of the house, casually talking 
about nothing of consequence, when all of a sudden my father burst 
into the room by way of an adjoining door off the hallway that 
connected to the garage. He was absolutely livid, too---his arrival 
preceded him by the roars of anger & cursing that were being hurled in 
MY specific direction.

Yet, as soon as strode into the room to confront me, both my mother & 
I BURST into peels of uncontrollable laughter---all of which only 
served to make Pops even madder! There he was, bedecked in his 
coveralls to spray paint some portion of the lawn mower---and his 
entire face & bald head (save for the two white patches circling both 
eyes), WAS SPRAY PAINTED GLOSS BLACK! He looked exactly like a 
black-faced Al Jolson did in the movie "The Jazz Singer"...!

Seems what had happened was yours truly had used the black gloss 
enamel spray can days before---but I neglected to INVERT the can when 
I was done, to clear the thing by spraying it momentarily in that 
position. In the intervening time betwixt then & that fateful day, 
Pops---noticing that the spray can wouldn't spray---took it upon 
himself to OPEN the base of the can WITH A CAN OPENER! 
Needless-to-say, the very second he pierced the thing, it sprayed back 
at him in a sudden flash & with a vengeance.

Lucky for him (and me!) that he was wearing his eye glasses at the 
time, because I swear, my Mom & I were quite ready to accompany him in 
a rendition of "Mammy", had he been in the mood to warble...

~73~ de Eddy VE3CUI - VE3XZ
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