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Sun, 25 Nov 2012 10:45:54 -0600
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Pat Byrne <[log in to unmask]>
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
That sounds practical and doable Michael.  Be sure to concentrate on 
the ground and radials.
Pat, K9JAUAt 10:35 AM 11/25/2012, you wrote:
>Sent from my iPhone
>Begin forwarded message:
> > From: Michael Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
> > Date: 25 November, 2012 12:57:44 PM NST
> > To: Michael Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: Abandent Fence post for antenna mast
> >
> > Hi All:
> >
> > 1ST of all let me express my condolences to Kevin's XYL and family.
> > Not sure if some sort of card is planned by the list, think it 
> would be a good idea and you could certainly add my callsign to the list.
> >
> > I have lived in this basement apartment for almost 3 years and 
> only the other day I discovered a cemented in abandoned fence post 
> about 3 feet from the top of my stairwell.
> > I think there was a plan to bring a chain link fence to that post 
> for the dog kennel, which never did get done. The pooch has since 
> past on and the hole kennel is took down, except for this one post.
> > Its about 5.5 feet tall, so here's the plan. I'm going to ask the 
> Land Couple if I can mount a Hustler 5BTV to it. I'll mount it high 
> enough that I can pound a ground rod underneath the antenna for the 
> connection of the ground lead.
> > I'll then come up with a way to attach 3 or 4  radials and when 
> the Land Couple needs to perform lawn maintenance, I could lift up 
> the radials and drape them over the railing until they're finished 
> or even still, devise a way to come up with a quick disconnect radial system.
> > Leave the antenna up, when want to operate, simply go out and 
> connect the radials and coax and go. Disconnect the radials and 
> coax and bring them back in when finished.
> > This might be easier than trying to assemble and try to tune a 
> complete antenna. There's another thing, there's a satellite dish 
> mounted on the house, which will be about 6 feet away from the 
> antenna top and slightly behind. Will the antenna and HF cause interference?
> > Of course this is all going to be a compromised antenna system 
> but I got to try and get the best compromised antenna system I can get! LOL
> >
> > TNX & 73:
> >
> > Michael DE VO1AX
> >