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carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
carol pearson <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 21:30:36 -0000
text/plain (115 lines)
Chris and all,

So far I have posted nothing on all that has been said and that has happened
this week, partly because I was in the middle of the enemy's firing line and
just had to hold on and pray on, but also because there was nothing
immediately that I wanted to say following Chris's first message (the
question).  I knew where it stemmed from and I knew that to go down that
road, Chris, you were on a slippery slope.  But God has brought good from
the situation and we are all praying, I am sure, towards your healing and
for your victory through Jesus Christ our Lord over these sexual fantasies.

There's only one other thing I want to add, Chris, to keep this well out in
the open:  I personally was a little hurt and probably others were hurt too
by your comments that certain people hadn't written and hadn't been prepared
to contact you.  Please remember that this list is full of people from
different walks of life, with diffeing abilities and whose lives vary
tremendously from one another.  Some can chat a lot most days and have quite
a bit to say, which is almost always profitable;  whilst others quite often
find it stressing and sometimes quite difficult to get round to writing.  I
am one of those who have a rather low tolerance level (physical ability
level) where the "get up and go" is concerned and, whilst I always want to
pray, share with and help another on their way, it is not always possible
for me to do this.  Equally, for those in full-time work, who have families
for which they have responsibilities, they cannot just drop everything and
run to help you, Chris.  Your posts often need a lot of prayer and careful
responses and none of us can or should do either of these things in a hurry
so, please, as you have already shown a good (much healthier) attitude since
your return to the list the last time, please keep it up and try to
understand where others have to come from.

We are all here for you and God chooses who helps in any one situation.  It
is not always going to be the same person or the same way and you won't only
get help from the people on this list.  In fact, it is right that you seek
proper, prayerful and God-given help outside of the list - so expect your
various help to come from a number of sources.  That is how it will be!

Now, let's lift one another up to receive the love and grace of God which is
necessary to bind us all together and give each one that which they need.
There are many needs that are showing on the list even this week and God
would meet each one of them as we stay together before Him.

Thanks to all those who have encouraged my heart this week.  Oh, how much I
have needed it in a week which, so far, for me, has been downright

May God be with you all and the Spirit Himself be given full reign in each
of our lives, yeilded afresh to Him for His service on and off this list.

I love you all dearly my brothers and sisters in the Lord Jesus!



----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: Paul's frustration

> I kind of did the same by taking it all at once as a whole.  Yes, I won't
> lie, nor can I lie, as it would be sinful:  it hurt, o it cut like a knife
> seeing paul's post, however, no, I don't think it was a wake up call to
> as much as I think pretty much that there comes a point, where i must say,
> hey, You know what...  i have to look at it not only from my side, but be
> neutral.  By that I mean, see it from all sides before basing my final
> analicis.  let's see if i can give a more practical example...  Remember
> back to the situation with Rhonda and her daughter's driving issue?
> couldn't just immediately sit here and blame the policemen or vice versa.
> She had to get and hear, both sides before coming to her final conclusion
> what probably really happened.  Now, i don't use this example to wag a
> finger or anything, it's just the first example that came to mind, and I
> hope by me using it, I don't offend anyone.  If I do, i wanna opologize in
> advance, because that is not my motives.  What I did?  I put the mail
> briefuly, for the night, and took some time to sleep, and chew on it, and
> pray about it more than anything.  I knew how I felt, which was hurt,
> scared, confused, tormented, and more so, disbelief.  These were among
> of the emotions that hit me...  i also knew though, that whether that was
> Paul's motive or not I didn't know...  I still don't...  it's very hard in
> writing e-mails, to really truely get the full feeling across through tone
> as to what you're trying to say...  this is why since tone won't help,
> better to try hard to use a good tone choice of words.  For example, you
> wouldn't wanna fly off the handle at someone and write them back and say
> such and such?  You blankity blankity blanking blank blank?  You know?  I
> mean, that would show harshness...  on the other hand if you wrote and
> said... Such and such?  You know what... I love you...  you are so dear to
> me and through God's mercy I really mean it when I say, that I care deeply
> about you, and am very painfully concerned for your well being...  Have
> considered such and such?  If not, may I make that as a recommendation?  i
> think that you might would be surprised at how much it might help you,
> please consider these things.  I love you in Christ.  Don't you ever
> it...  God bless you:  Love, and your name.  now see how much more
> that tone was, yet, it got the same point  across?  Heck!  You're very
> concerned!  Anyways, again, just my opinion of side.  You all can take it
> leave it.  It's up to you.
> Chris.