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"Jose Tamayo (KK4JZX)" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Wed, 17 Oct 2012 17:42:28 -0400
text/plain (67 lines)
I have a command reference  for the TS4980 which might help with some
generic  commands.

I too have been trying to get a terminal session open to my radio and would
be interested in this!

Jose - KK4JZX

-----Original Message-----
From: For blind ham radio operators [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Martin G. McCormick
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 4:41 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Serial Strings to Program the Kenwood TM-71A 2-Meter Transceiver

I have been able to determine several serial commands for the Kenwood
TM-71A. They are probably very similar to those for the
TMV71 duel-bander.

	Is there a list anywhere of all the remote commands that one can
send to this transceiver?

	So far, I know that FQ followed by a carriage return outputs the
current VFO frequency. SR is a system reset and sets everything back to
factory defaults. I discovered that by accident and had to put everything
back so don't do that one unless you really mean it.

	What I still do not know is what command to use to directly enter
the frequency and CTCSS tones in to a given channel. the command MR will
tell you what channel you are currently on but again, I was not able to set,
say, channel 17 to 145.35 with a PL tone of 107.2 HZ or more likely, 14
which is the index number for that particular analog CTCSS tone.

	If you use a computer equipped with a serial terminal program such
as c-kermit, you should set the line speed to 9600 baud. My serial port was
set to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity and it works fine.

	One thing somebody could do is sniff the serial traffic between one
of the Windows programs that will remotely run the
TM-71 and the radio. Program a channel, for instance and see what the
computer and radio sent to each other.

	Sending the TX command causes the rig to begin transmitting. The
serial cable plugs in to the same RJ45 jack as the microphone so if you just
have your computer hooked up, all you will do is send an unmodulated
carrier. RX switches back to receive.

	I am sure those commands work with packet or such things as PSK31 in
which the computer feeds audio in to the transceiver.

	In my case, I sent TX and then noticed I had the repeater keyed up
so I sent RX quickly to stop being a nuisance.

	I've had this radio for around 4 years and am trying to write my own
programming software for the Linux command line. I think it is going to be
relatively easy but so far, I haven't found any list of commands so have
been basically learning by trial and error.

	By the way, the rig still works after all my experiments.

	Thank you for any information.

Martin WB5AGZ