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Jim Gammon <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 8 Jun 2012 16:55:27 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)
Hi and thanks Steve, I guess I will hang on to my TS480.  It 
would seem to have almost as much speech as the 590 and I don't 
want to give any of it up.  What I do want is a rig I can use on 
2 meter and 430 SSB.  I wish Kenwood would come out with a rig 
like the TMV-71A that has all modes! Now that would be way cool! 
Thanks again,  Jim WA6EKS

 ----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]
To: [log in to unmask]
Date sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 19:43:02 -0400
Subject: Re: Stpeech guide output on the Ts2000 and Ts480?


The 2000 was out several years before the 480 and doesn't speak 
as much.
    There are things like mic gain, power setting, and  
settings that  you will have to count clicks on the 2000.  The 2 
don't even use the same voice board.

Right now, the top of the line for speech from Kenwood is the 
590, which
uses the same board as the 480, but also  gives some speech 
while in transmit.   Things like power output, swr, alc, and 
  are all spoken on the 590 in TX.

Not sure what the new big boy from Kenwood may  speak 
differently, but
if you can afford one, you can afford to pay someone to stand 
behind you
  and tell you what is on the display.

I do have a 2000, 480, and 590 in the shack, and they are all 
fine radios.

73, Steve KW3A

On 6/8/2012 7:08 PM, Jim Gammon wrote:
 Hi listers, I know this subject has been discussed before, but
 can someone tell me, us, if the speech guide is just as detailed
 on the Ts-2000 as it is on the TS-480? I have a 480 and am kind
 of thinking about upgrading to the 2000 but really want the same
 level of information that the speech chip offers on the 480.
 Thanks, Jim WA6EKS