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Steve Forst <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 23 Jun 2012 07:46:35 -0400
text/plain (83 lines)
here are just a few things:

The TX audio is better and can be tailored more than on the 480.   The 
590 can go as wide as 3 kc, while the 480 is something like 2.4 kc max.

The filtering and NR are noticeably better and no extra filters to buy.

While the 590 speaks everything the 480 speaks, it adds some speech 
output in TX: swr, power, compression, and alc levels.

The 590 has both serial and usb pc connections.  You can use either, or 
both at the same time, so you can run 2 pc applications at once (maybe a 
logger and a control program).

The usb port also has  a built in sound device, so  if you are into 
digital stuff, you don't have to  buy extra interface stuff.

I'm sure there is more, but it's early.  Look for KW3a in Field Day. 
I'm running from home on the battery (1E) and may  back it all the way 
down to 5  watts and try real QRP for the first time.

73, Steve KW3A

On 6/23/2012 3:45 AM, Jim Gammon wrote:
> How is the 590 better than the 480?
>   ----- Original Message -----
> From: Harry Brown<[log in to unmask]
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Date sent: Sat, 23 Jun 2012 02:12:37 -0400
> Subject: a review of the kenwood ts590
> Hi all,
> I am just sitting here tonight, and getting caught up on my
> handiham =
> world weekly eletters, and absolutely not caught up, now on April
> 20, =
> 2011, hi hi!
> Anyway, Pat, wa0tda, recommended this review, by Bob, a blind
> ham, k3ul.
> So, I went digging for it on and here it is!
> As you'll see, this is the best ham rig, just because all the
> menus =
> speak, and he means speak!
> So, here's the review!
> "K3UL  Rating: 5/5  Apr 19, 2011 13:35  Send this review to a
> friend =20
>        Great Valueand Accessible Too   Time owned: 3 to 6 months
> =20
>        I have and still own many of the high end radios including
> the =
> FTDX-5000 and the K3.  I purchased the TS-590 just to check it
> out.  I =
> must say, it is a great rig for the price.  The audio is
> wonderful, =
> filtering is quite satisfactory, it runs very cool and the =
> controls/buttons are definitely user friendly.  For us blind
> hams, the =
> TS-590 really shines.  With the addition of the VGS-1 talking
> chip, every =
> control and ALL of the menu settings speak.  To the best of my
> knowledge, =
> there is no other rig out there that offers that level of
> accessibility.  =
> Great job Kenwood! Even with the high end radios readily
> available to me =
> in my shack, I find myself using the TS-590 about 80% of the
> time.  Now, =
> if it only had a second receiver, it would be my number one
> radio.  In my =
> opinion, if Kenwood can provide this access for a $75 investment,
> shame =
> on the other manufacturers who don't offer this critical feature.
> 73, =
> Bob K3UL" =20
> 73,
> Trippy, ac8s