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Tom Behler <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 May 2012 21:53:17 -0400
text/plain (70 lines)

See my most recent post for a small history of the problem.

The noise has always been there, but is getting worse.

The coax feedline is nowhere near the charger, so I think we can eliminate 
the coupling possibility due to close distance alone.

73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Miller" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 9:17 PM
Subject: Re: Getting rid of hash caused by battery charging unit in RV

>I think the first question is, did it do that before? If not, it may be
> failing and just be time to replace it which might fix the problem. Other
> wise, is the coax near it maybe you can reroute it? Can you hear it even 
> if
> you disconnect the antenna? It could be simple as ferrite beads, or 
> rapping
> the wires in aluminum foil, yes that works for some things I'm told the
> older actiontec routers used with Verizon fios that was the trick to stop
> their noise, if that wasn't a problem before, there's got to be a way to 
> fix
> it.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tom Behler" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2012 7:53 PM
> Subject: Getting rid of hash caused by battery charging unit in RV
>> Hi, all.
>> I know we have discussed similar topics before, but I have an issue in my
>> RV
>> that is now affecting my HF set-up big-time.
>> Specifically, there is a built-in charging unit for the house battery 
>> that
>> seems to be creating more and more interference on the HF frequencies.
>> The
>> interference occurs when the charger is in either the "use" or "store"
>> mode.
>> I know that the charger is causing the interference, since when I switch
>> from "use" to "store
>> ", the interference goes away for a few minutes, until the charger 
>> re-sets
>> itself, after which time, it gradually returns.
>> When we unplug the RV from the electrical service at our camp site, the
>> interference disappears completely.
>> As far as I know, since the charger is directly wired into the RV, there
>> is
>> no way to turn it completely off.
>> Does anyone have any simple remedies for me to try in order to get rid 
>> of,
>> or at least lessen this interference.  It is so bad that it makes the
>> 40-meter band unusable, which is why I was not on Saturday's round table.
>> 20 meters isn't much better either, which is rather discouraging.
>> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ