For blind ham radio operators


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David thurmond <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:05:03 -0500
text/plain (46 lines)

You had asked for math help in computing the resonant frequency of an
LC circuit.

Well, first off, are you sure the formula you listed is for an LC
circuit?  Looks like it might be for RC instead based on the variable

Second, you have to make sure your units are correct for the L and C
values.  So either convert them both to Farads and Henries or at least
get them both to the same order of magnitude, e.g. microFarads and
microHenries.  If you are having trouble entering scientific notation,
just skip it and convert everything to the whole unit expressed as a
decimal, e.g. 50 microFarads would be 0.005 Farads.

You can double check your answer with this calculator, but beware that
the answer you get is in MHz, not Hz, so you will have to convert the
final value to whatever the question asks for:

The nice thing is that the calculator does the unit conversions for
you based on what units you pick for L and C.

Now, I tried to look up the correct formula, but the blasted Extra
Class License Manual I got from has the equations
removed!!  The formula from Wikipedia doesn't look the same as the one
in the original question, and doesn't give the same answer as the
calculator for the same L and C values.  And other resources evidently
show the equation as an image, useless for us blind folks.

BTW, if anyone knows where I can get a complete HTML or text version
of the Extra Class License Manual, please let me know, as I will be
beginning my studies for that in a couple of weeks, after I finish up
my General class test.

Scott, please email me privately to discuss this question further if
you wish.  I really want to know what the formula is and what the
answer is!  I spent perhaps an hour looking for the right one, and not
knowing is going to bug me.


David Thurmond, KK4ADV