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Sat, 10 Nov 2012 14:43:19 -0500
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
- Phyllis Chinn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Previously  there was a posting about Local Oven, but the poster spelled the
name  wrong.  
LOCAL OVEN is all-GF bakery is located in Carrollton, TX, outside of  
I  became aware of Local Oven when I was served a dinner roll, baguette,  
biscotti at a country club luncheon, and I was very impressed.  The  owners
came to our Houston chapter meeting in November and let us  sample some of
their delicious breads!  They have worked extensively  to  make a bunch of
Dallas area restaurants aware of the need to  have GF options.  See their
list of products at www.localoven.com.   In Houston, some  of their products
are now available at  Central  Market 
Aren't you a  member of GiG Greater Dallas?  Local Oven has been to our 
monthly support  mtgs several times with samples to share with us. They have 
also been at the  Dallas GFAF Expo in Dallas the past two years. Their 
products are  delicious; everything is. I have ate their products at several Dallas 
restaurants. They  are now also selling their products thru Central Mrkt 
throughout Dallas. I have no  financial interest in the company; I just know 
the products and the owners. They  are awesome.
I have had  their stuff fresh at the Gluten Free Food Expo. I liked it a 
lot. I've also  purchased it frozen and it was pretty good reheated. I liked 
the hotdog buns and  the burger buns, but in general I like those toasted. So 
I can't tell too much  about them if they are just thawed out. They're 
worth a try. All the local  Fuddruckers have them and now they're selling at 
Central Market.  

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