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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Dec 2016 14:04:31 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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WARNING: My reply is purely anecdotal, and I know some on this list hate
that kind of information.

For myself, low fat was very damaging.  I faithfully ate low fat very
similar to Pritikin for 3 years in the mid 1980's.  I did lose a lot of
weight, and I was the thinnest I have ever been.  However, I also:
1. Caught every illness going around
2. Frequently needed a nap although I was in my mid 30's
3. Had numerous skin tags
4. Suffered from serious depression
5. My pap smear revealed dysplastic cells
6. Experienced very negative manifestations of my lupus such as pleurisy,
costochondritis, severe headaches, very bad joint aches and pains.
7. Hungry all the time.  Fantasize about food a lot.
I now eat a high fat, moderate protein, low carbohydrate diet.  The results
have been:
1. Almost never ill.  I had a mild cold for the first time in 5 years.
2. Excellent stamina
3. No skin tags, and skin that looks younger than my age of 63
4.  I have a happy outlook.
5. No recurrence of abnormal pap smears.
6. Approximately 85% of my lupus symptoms have disappeared.  I take no
prescription meds.
7. I weigh 15 pounds more than my thinnest weight, but 2 pounds less than
when I married 40 years ago.
8.  All my blood work is excellent HDL=119, triglycerides=42
9. Very satisfied.  I eat when I'm hungry.  I practice intermittent fasting.

For me, I will NEVER go low fat again.  Ever.
Paula H.

-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
On Behalf Of Don Wiss

First we have Carrie Fisher dying of a heart attack at age 60. She followed
the low fat Jenny Craig diet. She was a spokesperson for it. 
Then her mother, Debbie Reynolds, dies from a stroke at 84. She was a
follower of the extremely low fat, high carb Pritiken diet.

This journal is published by the group that puts on an annual conference:

I read only two abstracts:

"Use of Animal Fat as a Symbol of Health in Traditional societies Suggests
Humans may be Well Adapted to its Consumption"

"An Evolutionary and Mechanistic Perspective on Dietary Carbohydrate
Restriction in Cancer Prevention"
