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Scott Howell <[log in to unmask]>
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For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 29 Dec 2011 20:22:09 -0500
text/plain (62 lines)

Glad the problem has been resolved. I had forgotten about the PF key reading the transmit power as well. However, I was surprised to find that my TS590 reports the TX power setting as one thing and pressing the PF key provides something different. For example if I set the rig for five watts, I transmit and get 10 watts. It seems to be 10 watts higher than any power level setting (i.e. 75 watts is 85 watts etc.). Well guess this rig does not qualify for QRP.


On Dec 29, 2011, at 7:46 PM, Tom Behler wrote:

>    Hi, all.
> Well, it has been a very interesting hour here, as I have tried to figure 
> out what was going on with the reduced power readings I was getting with my 
> TS590.
> First of all, I want to say a great big thanks to Steve Dresser (WA1RTB). 
> For whatever reason, I did not know that pressing the PF function button for 
> S meter readings when transmitting gives you the rig's output power. 
> Knowing this, and using this function has made a world of difference.
> Before I say anythihng more, let me re-state that all power readings were 
> taken with the rig's internal tuner off, the TX power control in the highest 
> possible position, and with my Tentech 238A manual antenna tuner in the 
> bypass position.
> My first series of tests this evening involved taking power readings at the 
> resonant frequency of one of my antennas.  My output power readings with 
> both the TW1 and the Rig's power meter varied anywhere from 68 to 80 watts. 
> In all cases, I was using my Astron RS35 linear power supply.
> Then, I decided to switch power supplies.  I retrieved my Samlex 1235 supply 
> from my RV, and tested things with that supply.  Again, for the tests, the 
> conditions were the same with this new supply.
> When I took power readings this time, the rig's meter gave me a solid and 
> consistent 100 watts.  The TW1 gave me readings that varied between 87 and 
> 89 watts, but they were at least closer to being in the ballpark especially 
> when it is considered that the TW1 has about a 10% error margin.
> Then, I connected things back up to the Astron RS35 supply, and, for reasons 
> that I don't understand, I once again got consistent 100 watt readings from 
> the TS590 watt meter, and found the TW1 readings to vary from 81 to 89 
> watts.
> As a result, I am coming to two conclusions:
> 1.  Either something is starting to get flaky with my 14-year-old RS35 
> supply;  or
> 2.  When I did the tests with the Samlex supply, something might have gotten 
> re-set in the rig so that 100 watts now means 100 watts.
> Do any of these arguments make sense?
> Should I begin to get into the market for a new power supply?
> Just seeking some advice here.
> 73 from Tom Behler: KB8TYJ