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Tue, 10 Jan 2017 21:57:03 -0700
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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 Vicki Amen and amen.

Sent from my iPad

> On Jan 10, 2017, at 5:56 PM, Jenifer Barr <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Lord,  you know all Steph is going through.  Thank you for healing her
> physically.  You know the spiritual battle she is induring with her
> mom also.  Help her conquer this Lord so she may heal the relationship
> for her sake and her children's.  We thank you in advance for doing
> this because You are the only one who can.  Also Lord, make her path
> known.  Guide her in the way you would have her go.  In Jesus's name
> we pray: Amen.
> (hugs) Glad to see you back.  I am also back after a long absence.
> Jen
>> On 1/10/17, Stephanie <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Not sure how many of you will remember me... but here goes the latest of
>> what has been going on with my life lately. I'm Stephanie from Australia, as
>> many of you may know.. I'll also warn you that this could get long, but I'm
>> really in need of support...
>> 2016 was probably one of the most difficult years of my life. I know that
>> sounds awful, but it was. First, I started having really bad medical issues
>> in about March; heavy bleeding that could be be stopped at all. It was that
>> bad I could not leave the house as it was continuious and I never knew when
>> it would get worse. So I had surgery in May, an ablation. However, when they
>> went in to do it, they found multible large fibroids so they just tied my
>> tubes (which was part of the plan). After that surgery, I was in unbearable
>> pain. No one knew why and I ended up in the er 3 times in a week as I
>> couldn't cope. When they did get it under control, I was so drugged out I
>> was scared to leave the house, and it made my sick also. So in June, I had
>> an abdominal hysterectomy done. That went well, in spite of 3 infections.
>> The first was a few days after surgery. I had a high fever that they
>> couldn't reduce, but strong antibiotics fixed that. Then 3 months out it
>> happened again, and then again at 4 months. Now I am fine except I still
>> feel quite weak some times, but overall I am 200 percent beter than I was!
>> While this was happening, the dhs came to our door saying they had received
>> a complaint about us. It was made by a baby siter that we hired to look
>> after our kids on the day of my surgery. Even though I had used this person
>> a few times. The results of that is my kids have to do therapy for something
>> that never happened. Then to top it off, in December I heard from my mum for
>> the first time in 7 years wanting to have access to the kids; I don't in
>> theory have an issue with that, but meetings will only be in public as mum
>> made a complaint to dhs about us but didn't tell us until 18 months after
>> the event, and it was deamed to be totally unfounded. Plus, they are very
>> controling and never able to let go.
>> Which brings me to 2017 and what this year is going to bring. At the moment
>> I feel like I am at a crossroads; I'm not sure what the Lord has for me. I
>> started teaching piano from home 3 years ago, but have very little to show
>> for it. I've put my heart and soul in to it with very little return. One
>> student to my name and many that came and go. My passion for early music has
>> been resurfaced after reading a website on authentic performance and
>> listening to many recordings. I'm feeling like I know I need to do something
>> with music, but not sure if it is teaching or something else. I'm not a
>> performing though, although I do sing in church both in our choir and solo.
>> I also know that having contact with mum is a spiritual war issue. I know
>> this stounds strange but being around her makes me quite ill after. I'm
>> talking full blown migrains that leave me phsyically sick for 24 hours. I'm
>> determined not to have this happen when we go in March this year. I want to
>> stand up to it, I want to deal with this, I want to firmly but kindly set my
>> boundaries and handle it as God would want me. But I know I'll need support
>> to deal with that.
>> Thank you all for reading for novel.
>> Steph
>> --
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.