I have a Dell laptop D620 Latitude running XP Pro SP3 it has 2GHz dual
core Intel processor and 2GB memory 60GB hdd with 20GB free space. While
streaming a video broadcast through my Firefox browser I had a blue
screen system failure physical memory dump, I believe. The message that
comes up after a hard shutdown and reboot is as follows:
*The system has recovered from a serious error.*
*****Error signature*
*BCCode : 1000007fBCP1 : 0000000DBCP2 : 00000000BCP3 : 00000000*
*BCP4 : 00000000OSVer : 5_1_2600SP : 3_0Product : 256_1*
*The following files will be included in this error report:*
does anyone know what causes this? Is it bad RAM?
Any guidance appreciated.
Gregg Pfaff
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