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Butch Bussen <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 4 Aug 2011 05:47:43 -0700
TEXT/PLAIN (226 lines)
Yep, you're right as rain.  <smile>  I like it down here in this rut!! 
Seriously, I may get on echo link some day just to play with it.  I've 
really enjoyed i r l p because if you do your own it takes a bit of 
knowledge and work to make things work right.  I even do a little 
playing with scripts and so forth.  BTW, if any of you have irlp access, 
give me a call.  My node is 3148 and is on my 440 machine, a Kenwood 
Node 3148
Wallace, ks.

On Thu, 4 Aug 2011, Albert Sanchez wrote:

> Oh! Com-on Butch! You're just an old geezer! hahaha! Albert S, WA7FXB
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Butch Bussen" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2011 8:11 AM
> Subject: Re: back on the list again
>> I agree it has its place, and I'll drop it here, but what annoys me is
>> people who pretend it is radio.  It isn't any more radio than talking to
>> a ham friend on the phone makes the phone ham radio.  I use irlp  to
>> talk to friends, but at least there is a radio on each end on ham
>> frequencies.  You can't use a computer to get into the system directly.
>> There use to be a group of us who would meet on 40 each Saturday night
>> and some times the band was good, some times not, but it was fun.  The
>> last I knew, they or at least some of them, get on echo link and don't
>> even try hf.  Anyhow, I'm done with this subject and will say no more.
>> IfIf it is your thing go for it, personally I have no interest.
>> 73
>> Butch
>> Node 3148
>> Wallace, ks.
>> On Wed, 3
>> Aug 2011, Steve Dresser wrote:
>>> When repeaters first came on the scene, I remember hearing that they
>>> weren't
>>> really ham radio because the repeater did all the work, not the
>>> individual
>>> station.
>>> Regarding Echolink, I have a weekly schedule that would not be possible
>>> without it.  A group of us in the Boston area have a friend who moved to
>>> New
>>> York City, and wouldn't be able to talk to the rest of us if he couldn't
>>> use
>>> Echolink or IRLP, which he sometimes uses when he can't connect to the
>>> repeater with Echolink.  I'm not sure why some people talk about using
>>> Echolink as if it was an insult to their manhood.  I thought the goal of
>>> amateur radio was communication, not "my radio is more real than your
>>> radio."  I guess you could use a Bluetooth headset with your computer and
>>> Echolink if you feel the need to have radio involved.
>>> Steve
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "KK4AHX Darren Duff" <[log in to unmask]>
>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 12:32
>>> Subject: Re: back on the list again
>>>> Indeed. I use it almost every day along with my Wouxun HT witch is my
>>>> only
>>>> rig at this time... I do agree that skype and other VOIP clients have
>>>> there
>>>> place, But they can't connect you with repeaters miles and miles away.
>>>> In
>>>> fact, due to the WSO's I have made with echo link, it's making me want
>>>> to
>>>> upgrade to general.
>>>> So it all depends on how you view it now doesn't it? Food for
>>>> thought....
>>>> 73.
>>>> Darren Duff.
>>>> amateur radio station KK4AHX.
>>>> Cherokee Amateur Radio Society.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: For blind ham radio operators
>>>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>>>> On Behalf Of Anthony Vece
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 11:46 AM
>>>> To: [log in to unmask]
>>>> Subject: Re: back on the list again
>>>> John, some day you may be in a position that will only allow you to use
>>>> Echo= Link.
>>>> Life takes strange twists and turns.
>>>> Anthony
>>>> Sent from my Verizon iPhone
>>>> On Aug 3, 2011, at 9:39 AM, John Miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>>>> Intolerant of those who sit there claiming they're working the world
>>>>> on ha=
>>>> m=20
>>>>> radio when it's actually on the computer with no work at all
>>>>> involved,and=20=
>>>>> will never upgrade or never have to worry about band conditions, which
>>>>> is=20=
>>>>> part of ham radio, yes, we should be intolerant of laziness and
>>>>> ignorance.=
>>>> I=20
>>>>> wouldn't have quite as big a problem if they were like irlp and you
>>>>> had to=
>>>> =20
>>>>> use a radio of some sort to get in the system. I'd still not like it
>>>>> but=20=
>>>>> wouldn't be as against it. a little security wouldn't hurt either,
>>>>> it's so=
>>>> =20
>>>>> easy to get in now it's not even funny if someone wants to try it.  If
>>>>> you=
>>>> =20
>>>>> want to talk all over the world on the computer, get on skype or any
>>>>> of th=
>>>> e=20
>>>>> numerous online license free chat programs and don't call yourself a
>>>>> ham.=20=
>>>>> I'm sick and tired of the people who say they'll never upgrade or put
>>>>> up a=
>>>> =20
>>>>> station because of lowlifelink, that's why I woke up, saw how bad a
>>>>> thing i=
>>>> t=20
>>>>> really is, pulled all my system down for that, uninstalled it and told
>>>>> the=
>>>> m=20
>>>>> to take my call sign out of the system permanently and ban it so no
>>>>> one ca=
>>>> n=20
>>>>> try to register as me which is very easy to do.  and also I've been
>>>>> fighti=
>>>> ng=20
>>>>> to have it discounted as a supposed ham radio mode ever since. I
>>>>> should tr=
>>>> y=20
>>>>> the new ham radio enforcement at the fcc, the last one was all for it
>>>>> but=20=
>>>>> afraid they'd lose people, of course that's the kind we want to lose
>>>>> I=20 pointed out but he announced his retirement a couple days later
>>>>> and never=20=
>>>>> did anything about it.
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----=20
>>>>> From: "Howard Kaufman" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2011 4:23 AM
>>>>> Subject: Re: back on the list again
>>>>> =20
>>>>> =20
>>>>>> Hi bill, this is Howard.  nice to hear you again.
>>>>>> Their are some intolerant people here who don't respect other
>>>>>> people's choice of using echolink.
>>>>>> Ignore bigots of thought where ever you find them.
>>>>>> Echo link works fine.  for communication with radio amateurs.
>>>>>> It's available from
>>>>>> When you set it up, you have to set all of the station views to
>>>>>> explorer view.
>>>>>> This is done by unchecking index view for everything under tools
>>>>>> preferences.
>>>>>> The audio doesn't compare with skype.  Their used to be and maybe
>>>>>> still i=
>>>> s=20
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> noon handyhams net that meets on one of the repeaters from
>>>>>> Minneapolis, a=
>>>> s
>>>>>> well as on echolink.
>>>>>> It's kind of cool to talk to mobiles driving around Jerusalem.  Now
>>>>>> try=20=
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> on HF!
>>>>>> Have fun and a number of people on here have echolink nodes.=20
>>>> _____________ NOD32 EMON 6347 (20110803) information _____________
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>>>> _____________ NOD32 EMON 6347 (20110803) information _____________
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