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Sat, 19 Mar 2011 08:00:16 -0400
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
tom behler <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi, all.

Well, I have a ffew updates for the list on the various station issues I 
have been wrestling with lately, and the news seems to be reasonably good.

First, I think I finally got to the source of the RFI problem in my station, 
especially on 20 meters, when using the alpha Delta DXCC antenna.  It turns 
out the the problem was with my Heil FS2 foot switch.  It's a long story, 
but there appears to be a short in the amplifier cable, which causes the 
switch to malfunction, and which also has led to a floating ground of sorts. 
I've been working with Kevin (K7RX) on this, and even Bob Heil from Heil 
Sound, and the foot switch is now going to the Heil Hospital for either 
repair or replacement.  Fortunately, it's under warranty.

Second, I believe I have just taken some major steps toward solving the feed 
line problem with my Carolina Windom 160 compact antenna.  Yesterday 
afternoon, a local ham helped me  replace the feed line connector, and the 
antenna seems to be working again.  Some of the SWR's are a bit different 
now than my original readings, but the
SWR's on some bands are actually better.  For example, even though the true
SWR's on 160 are still a bit high, I can actually tune the antenna with the
TS480 auto-tuner.

The problem with the antenna was just as we suspected, and as Terry Robinson 
on the list described earlier.  Water apparently got
in at the feed point connection, thereby causing things to arc.  In fact,
we actually found some water still dripping out of the connection.  We  put 
a new connector on the feed line, and tried to thoroughly re-seal the feed
point connection, first with liquid tape, and then with the black coax seal
stuff.  I don't know if my help ultimately put electrical tape on the 
but I am thinking that he did.  Time obviously will tell if things are truly 
working again, but with the
fairly reasonable SWR's I'm getting, I can't believe that the matching unit
was severely damaged or fried.

Finally, with regard to today's round table, I am not totally sure if I'll 
be there or not.  Due to the antenna work yesterday afternoon, I am now 
behind on some other things I need to get done, and those things might have 
to be taken care of this afternoon.  If I can be there, I will, especially 
since it will give me a chance to test the Windom on 40 meters, but I simply 
can't guarantee it.  So, if someone else can be around to take the helm, I'd 
appreciate that.  Don't forget that we'll be competing with the Virginia QSO 
Party, and the Oklahoma QSO Party.

73 from Tom Behler:  KB8TYJ