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Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:52:26 -0500
Joan McLean <[log in to unmask]>
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Joan McLean <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Eating out in Spain is easy as long as you ask the right questions. Ask the head waiter or chef which dishes are gluten-free and suitable. You can also show the text below explaining what's a coeliac and how to prepare gluten-free dishes in spanish and show it to them click here.
If you need to find gluten-free restaurants visit our restaurant guide.
Remember to check carefully and, if in doubt, do not eat it!.
Avoid or check carefully soups, dishes containing flour, served in sauce or gravy, croutons, breadcrumbs or rusk, sausages, pasta, batter and pastry. If you would like to eat MEAT or fish: ALWAYS grilled, NEVER fried.
The Spanish cuisine is very varied and rich, every city and village has their own typical dishes. We have elaborated a list of TYPICAL Spanish tapas, dishes, deserts, and drinks that should not have gluten:
Gluten-free tapas
•    Pulpo a la gallega (Octopus boiled, sliced and dressed with oil and paprika. Served with cachelos, galician potatoes.)
•    Sepia a la plancha sin mayonesa (Grilled cuttlefish without mayonnaise)
•    Calamares a la plancha (Grilled squids)
•    Aceitunas, pepinillos y cebolletas (Olives, gherkins and spring onions)
•    Anchoas en aceite (Anchovies in oil)
•    Boquerones en vinagre (Anchovies marinated in vinegar)
•    Jamón serrano (Cured Ham)
•    Queso (Cheese)
•    Espetos de sardinas (Sardines grilled at the barbecue)
Gluten-free dishes
•    Cordero asado (Roasted lamb)
•    Cochinillo asado (Roasted suckling pig)
•    Mariscos cocidos o la plancha (Boiled or grilled shellfish)
•    Paella: Consultar que colorante han utilizado y si también se ha añadido sazonador (Paella: ask what food colouring has been used and if it has been seasoned with stock cubes)
•    Tortilla de patata (Spanish Omelette)
•    Guisantes con jamón serrano (Peas with cured ham)
•    Revuelto de huevos con champiñones, gambas, o espárragos trigueros (Scrambled eggs with mushrooms, prawns or asparagus)
•    Huevos rotos: huevos con jamón serrano y patatas (Eggs with cured ham and potatoes)
•    Marmitako: patatas, bonito, tomates, ajos, cebollas y pimientos (Potatoes with tuna, onions, peppers, tomatoes and garlics)
•    Escalivada (Roast of vegetables)
•    Pipirrana: ensalada de tomates, pimientos, cebollas, atún o bacalao (Salad of tomatoes, peppers, onions, tuna or cod)
•    Pisto manchego: tomates, cebolla, calabacín, ajo, aceite, sal y perejil (Vegetable Stew from La Mancha)
•    Papas a lo pobre: patatas con pimientos y cebolla (Potatoes with peppers and onions)
•    Bacalao al pilpil (Traditional Basque cod recipee)
•    Bacalao al Ajoarriero (Cod-fish with garlic and eggs)
•    Dorada o lubina a la sal (Gilt head fish or Sea Bass in Salt Crust)
•    Merluza a la gallega: merluza, patata y pimiento (Hake, potatoes and peppers)
•    Pescados y carnes a la plancha (Grilled fishes and meats)
Gluten-free deserts
•    Arroz con leche casero (Homemade Rice pudding: rice, milk, sugar and cinnamon)
•    Natillas caseras, no de sobre (Homemade Custard)
•    Flanes caseros, no de sobre (Homemade Cream caramel)
•    Tocino de cielo (Toffee caramel-rich custard)
•    Frutas en almíbar (Fruit in syrup)
•    Yemas
•    Cuajada fresca (A type of very firm yoghourt)
•    Helado en bloque o tarrina de nata y/o vainilla (Plain and/or vanilla ice cream)
Gluten-free drinks
•    Sangría: vino, gaseosa y fruta (Wine, lemonade and fruit)
•    Tinto de verano: vino y gaseosa (Wine and lemonade)
•    Calimocho (Wine and cola)
•    Sidra (Cider)
•    Vino (Wine)
•    Pacharan
•    Anís

Address: Llibreteria 1 Barcelona
Telephone: Tel. 93.310.13.94
Website: click to go to their website
Establishment Type: Restaurant
Special Diets:

Bocadillos sin gluten.

Restaurante Argentino Patagonia
Address: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 660
Telephone: 933-043-735
Establishment Type: Restaurant
Special Diets:

C/ Llibreteria, 1
08002 Barcelona
Tel: 93 310 13 94    RESTAURANTE DA PAOLO
Avda. Madrid, 63-73
08028 Barcelona
Tel: 93 490 48 91
C/ Sant Bonaventura, 7
08002 Barcelona
Tel: 93 342 44 79    RESTAURANTE Les 11 Virtuts
C/ Ataülf, 5
08002 Barcelona
Tel: 93 310 69 43
Serra, 43
08231 Ullastrell
Tel: 93 788 73 31
Más información
C/ Comte Borrell, 296
08029 Barcelona
Tel: 93 439 11 09
C/ Còrsega, 232
08036 Barcelona
Tel: 93 217 18 60    RESTAURANTE TRA-BAL
C/ Balmes, 203
08006 Barcelona
Tel: 93 237 35 09
Pº de Gracia, 68
08007 Barcelona
Tel: 93 488 17 17

We have a few reviews of GF-friendly places in Spain and Portugal on our
website, GlutenFreeTravelSite ( http://www.glutenfreetravelsite.com ), which
is a website containing thousands of user-submitted GF dining and travel
reviews, searchable by location. Take a look at this page:


Another way to search our site to read reviews of GF-friendly places in the
U.S. or abroad is to visit our Search/Mapping page (
http://glutenfreetravelsite.com/maps/map-locator.php ) and enter any
town/city or zip code into the Search Box. You'll get a list of restaurants
that have been reviewed. Click on any restaurant to see it highlighted on
the map and to link to the user-submitted review

Lisbon Portugal
The most popular supermarket chains around the country have gluten free sections and these stores can be found in many cities throughout Portugal including Lisbon. These large supermarket chains provide gluten free sections..
•    Continente
•    Jumbo
•    Celeiro-dieta
Unfortunately there aren’t too many options when it comes to having a meal out or finding a bakery with gluten free options. Your choice is to eat at one of the few coeliac friendly places or explain your situation and what you can and cannot eat to any restaurant that takes your fancy and make the decision yourself on whether or not you can trust them to keep you safe.
These are my favorite restaurants if you find yourself in Lisbon looking for somewhere delicious and gluten free to eat…
•    La Trattoria which is located on Rua de Artilharia 1 in the centre of Lisbon has a gluten free menu which includes various pasta dishes for around 12-14 Euros. Since the only gluten free dish they do is pasta this is what I always order but I make sure to vary my choice of sauce each time.
•    Open Brasserie Mediterrânica on Rua de Santa Marta 48, also in the centre of Lisbon, has a gluten and lactose free menu. I’ve only eaten here once but I loved it. I had fish and vegetables for my main course followed by a dessert made with melon. It even came with a little heart design on it. 
•    Telepizza is a chain with various locations in and around Lisbon as well as in other cities across Portugal. Their gluten free pizza menu is varied and suitable for coeliacs. Their website includes information on how they prepare their gluten free pizzas to avoid cross contamination and to keep customers safe.
The staff in these restaurants seem to understand the basics regarding coeliac disease and gluten free dieting. Whenever I ask questions that they aren’t completely sure about such as how they prevent cross contamination they ask the chef and report back to me.
There are a few more gluten free restaurants in Lisbon which I have noticed but which I haven’t yet tried. There really aren’t a lot of coeliac friendly places to eat considering the size of the city but there are some. As a celiac travelling to Lisbon you won’t find yourself going hungry.

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