Discussiones in Interlingua


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Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:28:33 +0200
Discussiones in Interlingua <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Kjell Rehnström <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (103 lines)
As a matter of fact she learnt to 
speak Interlingua by listening to 
people speaking it during the 
Interlingua Conferences.

In facto illa apprendeva 
interlingua ascoltante altere 
interlinguistas parlante le lingua 
durante le conferentias de 

Tu pote cercar un grammatica o 
curso si tu cerca per google. Proba 
"Interlingua/English dictionary" 
and "Interlingua grammar" for a 

Proba per google.

Kjell r

Federico skrev 2013-10-24 11:04:
> Hi could this please be forwarded to someone who can help me with obtaining a course in Interlingua
> Please, is there anyway that i can find a course in Interlingua.
> Either by way of a grammar book and dictionary and/or an audio.
> Does a grammar book and dictionary exist?
> Your website does not indicate anything of the sort.
> The only thing i can find are interviews - with lots of music.
> The music might be nice but if i intend to listen to music that is what i'll do.
> However if i start to learn a language that is what i'll do; personally the way i learn i do not mix the two.
> Is there a special website dedicated to what i seek that i have not yet found?
> This approach of Interlingua as an alternative to Esperanto or Ido i find very interesting.
> My problem is that when i go to this site with those interviews i feel frustration.
> There seem to be a lot of introductions and music, without much that i can get my teeth into.
> For example that Danish lady is said to have learned Interlingua quite well.
> So how did she do it?  Surely not by listening to interviews and music.
> I would gladly buy some material if it is available.
> Ideally what i would like is via english, italian or spanish:
>   (though preferably via english)
>   a grammar book
>   and a two way dictionary
>   and a dictionary in Interlingua with definitions in Interlingua
> some comprehensive text in Interlingua with corresponding audio (especially without music).
> And, if available a current modern story translated into Interlingua.
> especially in the vein of - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone.
> or any other very modern story without high-brower pretentious language
> i'm most definitely not interested in any of the classics that may have been translated.
> i'd be most appreciative if you could forward me any list of what is available and what you would recommend.
> with costs
> thanking you in anticipation
> federico rossignoli - Melbourne, Australia
> On 23/10/2013, at 1:40 AM, Peter Kovacs wrote:
>> Car ascoltatores de Radio Interlingua, car lectores del lista INTERLNG!
>> In le previe duo emissiones vos poteva ja ascoltar un femina, Barbara Rubinstein, qui parla interlingua. Ora vos pote cognoscer un altere femina, parlante iste belle lingua, tamben de un interview, que io faceva in 2009 (duo milles novem), al 18ve (dece-octave) conferentia international de interlingua in Kirchheim-Bolanden, Germania. Illa se appella Christina Breinstrup, le marita de Thomas Breinstrup (secretario del Union Danese pro Interlingua e redactor del magazin “Panorama in Interlingua”). Christina es un exemplo a lo, que on pote apprender un lingua in un assatis bon nivello sin usar ulle manual, al maniera natural, como un infante apprende su lingua materne: per ascoltar e per parlar lo...
>> Dunque: post discargar le file de iste adresse:
>> post alicun minutas del musica instrumental de Csaba Kocsis vos potera audir le interview con le judice danese: Christina Breintrup super varie themas: profession, hobbies, familia, can, musica e naturalmente: interlingua... :-)
>> Tote le podcasts de Radio Interlingua pote esser consultate a:
>> Io, le redactor de Radio Interlingua vos desira un bon passatempore anque con iste podcast!
>> Péter Kovács
>> --
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